Enrol here 👉🏿 https://amigoscode.com/courses/software-testing
Writing code without tests? Really? Oh boy.
Software Testing is a skill that you must fully grasp as a software engineer. It ensures that any code you write to production is more likely to contain less bugs.
In this course you will learn everything about testing. Starling from
- Unit Testing
- Integration Testing
- Testing External Services
- Mocking with Mockito
- Test Driven Development
- and much more
Writing code to test my own code? I know but trust me I am going to break it down nice and easy for you.
This course will take through a real example code using Stripe and Twilio and we will be writing every single piece of code from scratch
So, without further a do Lets get started
Enrol here 👉🏿 https://amigoscode.com/courses/software-testing