Default httpd.conf assumes ssl (change httpd.conf if you like)
Then just docker build -t me/whatever .
Setup a mysql database for OSticket to use (and, if you like, an isolated network for your containers to communicate over). For example:
docker network create --driver bridge osticket_nw
docker pull mysql
docker run --name osticket-mysql \
-e MYSQL_DATABASE=osticket \
-e MYSQL_USER=osticket \
-e MYSQL_PASSWORD=password \
--net=osticket_nw \
-d mysql
Docs for the mysql container are here -
If you need to access the database, you can use something like:
docker run -it --rm --net=osticket_nw mysql /usr/bin/mysql -hosticket-mysql -u<username> -p<password>
Put your SSL cert in a named volume. For dev, you can just:
docker run --name=deleteme -it -v osticket-keys:/tmp cassj/osticket-docker /bin/bash
cd /tmp
openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -out server.pem -keyout server.key -days 3650 -subj '/CN=localhost'
docker rm deleteme
Docker 1.9 recommends using named volumes, but until 1.10 (moby/moby#18670) these don't copy over the data from the container image as anonymous volumes did. To work around this for now, create a named data volume by manually copying over the contents:
docker run --name=deleteme -it -v osticket-data:/data cassj/osticket-docker /usr/bin/rsync -avz /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/osticket/ /data/
docker rm deleteme
Start your webserver:
If this is your first run of osticket, specify the settings you want as environment variables. If your oticket-data volume already contains a configured osticket then you can omit the env vars.
docker run --name=osticket --net=osticket_nw -v osticket-keys:/usr/local/apache2/conf/ssl-certs -v osticket-data:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/osticket -e OSTICKET_URL= -e OSTICKET_NAME=MyOSTicketService -e -e -e OSTICKET_ADMIN_FNAME=Kate -e OSTICKET_ADMIN_LNAME=Administrator -e OSTICKET_ADMIN_USERNAME=administrator -e OSTICKET_ADMIN_PASSWORD=password -e OSTICKET_DB_PREFIX=ost_ -e OSTICKET_DB_HOST=osticket-mysql -e OSTICKET_DB_NAME=osticket -e OSTICKET_DB_USER=osticket -e OSTICKET_DB_PASS=password --log-opt max-size=2m --log-opt max-file=3 -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -d cassj/osticket-docker
OSTICKET_URL - will try to autodetect if undefined. OSTICKET_NAME - the name of your OSTicket site, e.g. "Bob's Helpdesk" OSTICKET_EMAIL - the system email (e.g.
OSTICKET_ADMIN_FNAME - Administrator forename OSTICKET_ADMIN_LNAME - Administrator surname OSTICKET_ADMIN_EMAIL - Administrator email. Must differ from the system email OSTICKET_ADMIN_USERNAME OSTICKET_ADMIN_PASSWORD
OSTICKET_DB_PREFIX - Database table prefix. If not defined then defaults to ost_
OSTICKET_DB_HOST - Database host (e.g. osticket-mysql)
The setup script will set up the core plugins ( This takes a while, so give it a minute. You can watch it install with
docker logs -f osticket
although there is an issue with composer which means you'll see a load of 'Invalid version string' warnings. You can safely ignore them.
Users can submit tickets at https://$OSTICKET_URL/
You can log into the administration interface with https://$OSTICKET_URL/scp/login.php
Backup your database before you start:
docker run --rm -it -v /wherever/backups:/data --net=osticket_nw mysql /bin/bash -c "/usr/bin/mysqldump -hosticket-mysql -uroot -ppassword osticket > /data/osticket-dbdump-DATE.sql"
And backup your oticket data volume too:
docker run --name=deleteme -it -v osticket-data:/data -v /some/backup/place:/backup cassj/osticket-docker /bin/bash -c "rsync -avz /data/ /backup"
docker rm deleteme
Stop the running container but don't delete it until the update has been tested - just rename it
docker stop osticket
docker rename osticket osticket-DATE
Get the version you want from Dockerhub
docker pull cassj/osticket:<tag>
OSticket update docs are available at, and basically involve overwriting your existing OSticket files with new ones, except for include/ost-config.php, so just use a temporary container to do that:
docker run --name=deleteme -it -v osticket-data:/data cassj/osticket-docker /bin/bash -c "rsync -avz --exclude include/ost-config.php /usr/local/apache2/htdocs/osticket/ /data"
docker rm deleteme
And start a new osticket instance with your updated data:
docker run --name=osticket --net=osticket_nw -v osticket-keys:/usr/local/apache2/conf/ssl-certs -v osticket-data:/usr/local/apache2/htdocs/osticket --log-opt max-size=2m --log-opt max-file=3 -p 80:80 -p 443:443 -d cassj/osticket-docker
At this point, you should be able to go to https://$OSTICKET_URL/scp and run the upgrader