Update July 2019: New link to app: https://am189.pythonanywhere.com/
Link to live web app on AWS Elastic beanstalk server:
This is a simple naive bayes classifier trained on structured data to detect spam in YouTube comments. The front-end is designed in HTML and CSS, while the back-end is written in the Python Flask web framework with Jinja2 templating.
Model accuracy: 91.95%
Requirements: Python 3.7
Step 1:
Clone this project and set up a virtual environment https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/venv.html
Step 2:
Install all relevant packages:
pip install flask
pip install flask_sqlalchemy
pip install pandas
pip install numpy
pip install scikit-learn
Step 3:
To run, open command line in folder and type:
python webapp.py
Go to localhost:5000 on your web browser to view and interact with app.
Deploy flask app to cloud server- Add database functionality to store user input and retrain model - in progress