A base web application pack to speed up the development of new web applications, implementing common flows, controllers, services and components necessary for most web applications. It uses active record standard with Entity Framework for data access and persistence.
- Custom CLI extension
- Migrations and seed
- Auto generation of migration based on models
- Tests
- Automated deployment
- Authentication/login
- Roles and permissions
- Base controllers
- Treated/custom exceptions
- Auto validation for events that use the base controller
- dotnet watch run
- dotnet restore
- dotnet ef migrations add NameOfMigration
- dotnet ef migrations remove
- dotnet ef migrations script
- dotnet ef database update
- dotnet ef database update -e Local
- dotnet test ou dotnet xunit
- dotnet test -t
- dotnet run sp -h
- dotnet run sp seed -h
- dotnet run sp seed
- dotnet run sp seed --reset
- dotnet run sp deploy