MRegioneer is a library for direct working with Minecraft world files. Thats not even an alpha version: the library is in early developing. All functionality it currently has is represented in the only test ( change id for block with given coordinates... a little step for a man a big step for humanity, you know.
Project uses Maven dependency system; To run tests you should copy presents.ini in the same directory as local_presets.ini - that will be unversioned preset file; WorldTest contains a summary of what was currently realized. It is a bit confusing but not more than reading tons of unofficial documentation. Help of improving tests is welcome;
WE is a plugin/mod which works with/via Minecraft running instance. Tha aim of MRegioneer is being able to work with MC world directly
Firstly, because of Python (I don't know Python :( ) Secodly, I doubt that MCEdit may be useful for any automatic tasks I need. For example, I have to copy some cuboid with given coordinates from mca-file to .schematic or directly into another mca-file. MRegioneer should be useful to create utils to do it via one command and I dont have to launch any GUI, which would be nice for servers or just CLI-expirienced users.
- Writing tests
- Code review
- Add short/useful comments to code
- My email is: