The project is to build an API that allows fast searches for anagrams. dictionary.txt
is a text file containing every word in the English dictionary.
The app runs on node server, and you will need to install both node and npm.
- First install the dependencies
npm install
- Run the app
npm start
- Testing in the broswer
The following are the implemented End Points
POST /words.json
: Takes a JSON array of English-language words and adds them to the corpus (data store).$ curl -i -X POST -d '{ "words": ["read", "dear", "dare"] }' http://localhost:3000/words.json HTTP/1.1 201 Created ...
GET /anagrams/:word.json
:- Returns a JSON array of English-language words that are anagrams of the word passed in the URL.
$ curl -i http://localhost:3000/anagrams/read.json HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... { anagrams: [ "dear", "dare" ] }
- This endpoint should support an optional query param that indicates the maximum number of results to return.
$ curl -i http://localhost:3000/anagrams/read.json?limit=1 HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... { anagrams: [ "dare" ] }
- Returns a JSON array of English-language words that are anagrams of the word passed in the URL.
GET /:word.json?filter_proper=<true|false>
: Respect a query param for whether or not to include proper nouns in the list of anagrams$ curl -i http://localhost:3000/anagrams/read.json?filter_proper=true HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... {"anagrams":["dear","dare"]} $ curl -i http://localhost:3000/anagrams/read.json?filter_proper=false HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... {"anagrams":["dear","dare","Ader"]}
DELETE /words/:word.json
: Deletes a single word from the data store.$ curl -i -X DELETE http://localhost:3000/words/read.json HTTP/1.1 200 OK ...
DELETE /words/:word.json?delete_self_anagrams=<true|false>
: Delete a word and all of its anagramscurl -i -X DELETE http://localhost:3000/words/read.json?delete_self_anagrams=true HTTP/1.1 200 OK ...
DELETE /words.json
: Deletes all contents of the data store.$ curl -i -X DELETE http://localhost:3000/words.json HTTP/1.1 204 No Content ...
GET /anagrams/stats
: Returns a count of words in the corpus and min/max/median/average word length$ curl -i http://localhost:3000/anagrams/stats HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... {"word_count":3,"min":4,"max":4,"median":4,"avg":4}
GET /anagrams/larger
: Identifies words with the most anagrams$ curl -i http://localhost:3000/anagrams/larger HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... {"count":1,"anagrams":[["read","REad","dear","dare"]]}
GET /anagrams/larger?anagram_size=<number>
: Return all anagram groups of size >= x$ curl -i http://localhost:3000/anagrams/larger?anagram_size=2 HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... {"count":2,"anagrams":[["bear","bare"],["read","REad","dear","dare"]]}
POST /check.json
: Takes a set of words and returns whether or not they are all anagrams of each other$ curl -i -X POST -d '{ "words": ["read", "dear", "dare"] }' http://localhost:3000/check.json HTTP/1.1 200 OK ... {"are_anagrams":true}
Running the test will reset the database db.sql
If you would like to test with contents from dictionary.txt
on the browser http://localhost:3000
, make sure the db.sql is replaced with db_backup.sql You can also generate the database from dicationary.txt by using this endpoint GET /generate
. It may take 5 to 10 minutes depending on the speed of the computer. To run the tests you must have Ruby installed (docs):
ruby anagram_test.rb
If you are running your server somewhere other than localhost port 3000, you can configure the test runner with configuration options described by
ruby anagram_test.rb -h
- Features you think would be useful to add to the API
- It would be a nice feature to add an endpoint that allows to search for anagram with different length.
- It would also be cool to get anagrams of multiple words.
- Implementation details (which data store you used, etc.)
- I am using sqllite. I was using MongoDB, and it was a nightmare. Nodejs was yelling because it couldn't handle the size from data ingestion. Then, MongoDB was also very slow with the data ingestion. I use sqllite because I am already familiar with it, and it doesn't need its own server like MongoDB. It's definitely a plus for the scope of this project.
- Any edge cases you find while working on the project
- There were a lot of edge cases (I should have documented when I was developing it). Some of the ones that I remember are :
- User entering proper nouns (Do I save it lowercase or uppercase, and should it show for an anagram with all lowercase)
- User requesting with trailing spaces for word
- User requesting to delete a proper noun and all of its anagrams (It was not deleting properly because I was not lowercasing the word before sorting them.)
- Running SQL commands with JavaScript is really tedious because JavaScript engine runs on one thread, and it assigns the task to another thread asynchronously. Synchronizing the result from the queries and returning the result needed extra care.
- There were a lot of edge cases (I should have documented when I was developing it). Some of the ones that I remember are :
- Design overview and trade-offs you considered
- I personally believe that mongo would have been a lot faster for searching in large data. We are dealing with a lot of strings, and I think Mongo is good for that. But, it was a pain to get it up and running. So yeah, finishing the project with less pain in timely manner is much more important here.
- I am using Nodejs and Express because I wanted to learn something new. It took me about 12 videos on Nodejs and Express, and tons of googling. I learned a lot. It was fun!
- I also built a web UI to run the test from the client side. I just wanted to see how it behaves from the client side. It also helped me see from the user perspective, and find bugs.
- Some of the SQL commands are nasty. I need to learn more. :)