Reward distribution contract with time multiplier.
# Geyser V2 deployment
router: 0x90013fB4D3f9844f930f5dB8DD53CfF38824e3CF
vaultFactory: 0x8A09fFA4d4310c7F59DC538a1481D8Ba2214Cef0
vaultTemplate: 0x9F723008Eec3493A31b6fAf7d9fdf3a82322223C
proxyAdmin: 0xc70F5bc82ccb3de00400814ff8bD406C271db3c4
geyserRegistry: 0xFc43803F203e3821213bE687120aD44C8a21A7e7
- poolRef: "CHARM-WAMPL-WETH (Crystal V1)"
deployment: 0xEac308Fa45A9b64cfb6965e8d1237B39016862e3
- poolRef: "BB-SPOT-USDC (Steamboat V1)"
deployment: 0xF0a45FA4fBec33A2A51E08058bEA92761c08D7D5
- poolRef: "CHARM-SPOT-USDC (Great geyser V1)"
deployment: 0x7B2e9353D3Bf71d9f9246B1291eE29DFB11B32C7
# - poolRef: "UNI-ETH-AMPL-V2 (Beehive V7)"
# deployment: 0x5Ec6f02D0b657E4a56d6020Bc21F19f2Ca13EcA9
# - poolRef: "Arrakis Vault V1 USDC/SPOT (RAKIS-35) (Fly V2)"
# deployment: 0x392b58F407Efe1681a2EBB470600Bc2146D231a2
# - poolRef: "UNI-ETH-AMPL-V2 (Beehive V6)"
# deployment: 0xfa3A1B55f77D0cEd6706283c16296F8317c70e52
# - poolRef: "Arrakis Vault V1 USDC/SPOT (RAKIS-35) (Fly V1)"
# deployment: 0xAA17f42C2F28ba8eF1De171C5E8e4EBd3cd5F2Ec
# - poolRef: "UNI-ETH-AMPL-V2 (Beehive V5)"
# deployment: 0x5Bc95edc2a05247235dd5D6d1773B8cCB95D083B
# - poolRef: "WBTC-WETH-AMPL-BPT (Trinity V3)"
# deployment: 0x13ED22A00576E41B64B686857B484987a3Ad1A3B
# - poolRef: "aAMPL (Splendid V1)"
# deployment: 0x1Fee4745E70509fBDc718beDf5050F471298c1CE
# - poolRef: "WBTC-WETH-AMPL-BPT (Trinity V2)"
# deployment: 0x0ec93391752ef1A06AA2b83D15c3a5814651C891
# - poolRef: "SUSHI-ETH-AMPL (Pescadero V2)"
# deployment: 0x56eD0272f99eBD903043399A51794f966D72E526
# - poolRef: "BAL-SMART-AMPL-USDC (Old Faithful V2)"
# deployment: 0x914A766578C2397da969b3ca088e3e757249A435
# - poolRef: "UNI-ETH-AMPL-V2 (Beehive V4)"
# deployment: 0x88F12aE68315A89B885A2f1b0610fE2A9E1720B9
- name: "Crucible"
template: 0x54e0395CFB4f39beF66DBCd5bD93Cca4E9273D56
owner: 0x2f47eD85fb37157D113243a150fc943d899701B1
router: 0x25BcaEd6377CEAA345f12C2005a42e669B8a29fC
vaultFactory: 0xceD5A1061F5507172059FE760CA2e9F050caBF02
vaultTemplate: 0x404C875EF7e361295a1d595bb51D7DD1960A1D3c
proxyAdmin: 0x5396479b65ed39360Ba6C16f6D7c9fd357674534
geyserRegistry: 0x60156bB86e9125639c624712a360FD3AbBb52421
# - poolRef: "PNG-AVAX-ETH-AMPL (The great geysir V1)"
# deployment: 0x26645e8513B1D20aDb729E7114eDfA930D411720
externalVaultFactoriesWhitelisted: [ ]
# Install project dependencies
# Run all unit tests (compatible with node v12+)
yarn test
To report bugs within this package, create an issue in this repository. For security issues, please contact When submitting code ensure that it is free of lint errors and has 100% test coverage.
# Compile contracts
yarn compile
# Lint code
yarn lint
# Format code
yarn format
# Run solidity coverage report (compatible with node v12)
yarn coverage
# Run solidity gas usage report
yarn profile