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N3LO cross sections calculator

A tool suite to calculate up to N3LO in QCD various cross sections at hadron colliders:

  • Neutral Drell-Yan p p(pbar) --> gamma*/Z + X (--> l+ l- + X)
  • Charged Drell-Yan p p(pbar) --> W+/W- + X (--> l+ nu_l / l- ~nu_l + X)
  • Higgsstrahlung p p(pbar) --> W+/W- H + X
  • Higgsstrahlung p p(pbar) --> Z H + X
  • Higgs production via gluon fusion g g --> H in the Born-improved approximation
  • Bottom-quark fusion Higgs production b bbar --> H + X in the five-flavor scheme



  • A C++11 compatible C++ compiler.
  • Python 3.5 or higher.
  • The LHAPDF library installed on your computer.

The code requires GNU Scientific Library (gsl) version 2.6 or higher. The library is shipped with the code.

Compilation of the code:

This is done in several steps. First untar the archive with

$ tar xzf n3loxs.tar.gz

and then enter the main directory with

$ cd ./n3loxs

Now compile the GSL library using the shell script

$ ./

Once it is done, please make sure that the LHAPDF config program is correctly assigned in the Makefile. If you have a custom installation of LHAPDF on your computer, update the Makefile:

LHAPDFCONFIG = [absolute path to your LHAPDF installation]/bin/lhapdf-config

After this check, simply enter the following command to create all the subprograms:

$ ./make all

The main executable is the Python script n3loxs. It accesses the subprograms located in the directory subprograms. If you change the location of the main executable, you have to update the 51st line of the script so that it accesses correctly the subprograms:

maindir=[put here the absolute path of the directory n3loxs on your computer in single quotes]


The program calculates hadronic cross sections for various processes up to N3LO in QCD:

  • Drell-Yan (DY) processes are calculated for an off-shell gauge boson (photon/Z and W bosons) at a given virtuality Q, that is chosen as the central scale by default. The user can choose between calculating the differential cross section Q^2*dxs/dQ^2 at a given Q, or calculating the integrated cross section in a bin range Qmin <= Q <= Qmax.
  • The Higgs-strahlung processes (WH and ZH productions) are inclusive calculations and the central scale by default is the sum of the Higgs and gauge boson masses. Only DY-type contributions are taken into acccount for the Higgs-strahlung processes, which are by far the dominant contributions. There is also an alternative version where the central scale is dynamical and by default the invariant mass M_HW or M_HZ.
  • The gluon fusion process (ggH) is an inclusive calculation, in the so-called Born-improved high top-mass limit (Born-improved HTL), where the calculation is performed in an effective theory in which the top-quark is decoupled, matched to the full Standard Model. The predictions are rescaled to the exact leading order (one-loop) result including the top-quark mass. The code allows the user to get results either in the pure HTL (no rescaling) or in the Born-improved HTL, and also to choose between the on-shell (OS) scheme or the MSbar scheme for the top-quark mass. The central scale is by default muF = muR = MH/2.
  • The bottom-quark fusion pocess (bbH) is an inclusive calculation in the five-flavor scheme (5FS) for which the central scale by default is muF = (MH+2*mbpole)/4, muR = MH. The bottom-quark mass used in the Yukawa coupling is taken in the MSbar scheme.

The program accepts up to 3 arguments on the command line, as well as an optional flag:

  • -lattice lattice: The lattice size that is used for the integration (integer), by default taken to be lattice=1000.
  • -seed seed: The seed that is used to initialize the pseudo-random-number generator (integer). By default taken to be seed=1.
  • --filename filename: The name of the input file (see below). By default this is
  • --scale or --7point: An optional flag to calculate 15 different predictions for the renormalization scale varied between 0.5 and 2 times the central scales of the process (--scale flag); or an optional flag to calculate the seven-point scale variation around the central scales of the process (--7point flag). They are mutually exclusive.

The user can type ./n3loxs --help or ./n3loxs -h to display informations about these command-line arguments.

The program uses an input file for the physical parameters, by default this is Please note that it is possible to use a custom input file (as stated above), but this file needs to have the same structure as the default input file. The following parameters can be modified:


An integer to select the process to be studied. The program allows for the following options:

  • 1 is for the differential cross section Q^2*dxs/dQ^2 in neutral Drell-Yan production
  • 2 is for the differential cross section Q^2*dxs/dQ^2 in charged W+ Drell-Yan production
  • 3 is for the differential cross section Q^2*dxs/dQ^2 in charged W- Drell-Yan production
  • 4 is for the inclusive cross section in W+ H Higgs-strahlung production with a fixed scale
  • 5 is for the inclusive cross section in W- H Higgs-strahlung production with a fixed scale
  • 6 is for the inclusive cross section in Z H Higgs-strahlung production with a fixed scale
  • 7 is for the inclusive cross section in 5FS bbH process at a fixed scale
  • 8 is for the inclusive cross section in ggH process at a fixed scale.
  • 9 is for the neutral Drell-Yan production cross section in an invariant mass windows between Qmin and Qmax for the invariant lepton pair Q
  • 10 is for the charged W+ Drell-Yan production cross section in an invariant mass windows between Qmin and Qmax for the invariant lepton pair Q
  • 11 is for the charged W- Drell-Yan production cross section in an invariant mass windows between Qmin and Qmax for the invariant lepton pair Q
  • 12 is for the inclusive cross section in W+ H Higgs-strahlung production with a dynamical scale
  • 13 is for the inclusive cross section in W- H Higgs-strahlung production with a dynamical scale
  • 14 is for the inclusive cross section in Z H Higgs-strahlung production with a dynamical scale


Name of the PDF set to be used in the calculation. Default: PDF4LHC15_nnlo_mc.


Member of the PDF set to be used in the calculation. Default: 0.


Up to which order in QCD the calculation shall be performed. 0 stands for LO, 1 stands for NLO, 2 stands for NNLO, 3 stands for N3LO. Default: 3.


The calculation can be performed for a p-p (0, LHC-type) or a p-pbar (1, Tevatron-type) collider. Default: 0.


The hadronic center-of-mass energy of the collider, in TeV. Default: 13.0.


The value, in GeV, for the virtuality of the gauge bosons in the Drell-Yan processes (only relevan for these DY processes). Default: 100.0.


The value, in GeV, for the minimum virtuality of the gauge bosons in the Drell-Yan processes when calculated in a bin range. In this case the value for Q is ignored. Default: 80.0.


The value, in GeV, for the maximum virtuality of the gauge bosons in the Drell-Yan processes when calculated in a bin range. In this case the value for Q is ignored. Default: 90.0.


The value, in GeV, of the user-defined central factorization scale muF0. If muf0=-1, then muF0 is internally fixed to the default central scale of the chosen process. Default: -1.


Floating-point coefficient rescaling the central factorization scale muF0, so that muF = xmuf*muF0 where muF0 stands for the central factorization scale of the chosen process. Default: 1.0.


The value, in GeV, of the user-defined central renormalization scale muR0. If mur0=-1, then muR0 is internally fixed to the default central scale of the chosen process. Default: -1.


Floating-point coefficient rescaling the central factorization scale muR0, so that muR = xmur*muR0 where muR0 stands for the central renormalization scale of the chosen process. This parameter is ignored if the flags --scale or --7point are used. Default: 1.0.


The value, in GeV, of the W-boson mass. Default: 80.398.


The value, in GeV, of the W-boson total decay width. Default: 2.085.


The value, in GeV, of the Z-boson mass. Default: 91.1876.


The value, in GeV, of the Z-boson total decay width. Default: 2.4952.


The value, in GeV, of the Higgs boson mass. Default: 125.09.


The value, in GeV, of the OS top-quark mass. Default: 172.5.


The value, in GeV, of the OS bottom-quark mass. Default: 4.58.


The value, in GeV, of the MSbar top-quark mass at the scale of the MSbar top-quark mass. Default: 162.7.


The value, in GeV, of the MSbar bottom-quark mass at the scale of the MSbar bottom-quark mass. Default: 4.18.


The value, in GeV, of vacuum expectation value. Default: 246.221.


The value of the inverse of the fine-structure constant. Default: 137.035999084.


The calculation of the ggH process can be performed in the OS scheme (0) or in the MSbar scheme (1), as far as the top quark is concerned. Default: 1.


The results for the ggH process can be given in the pure HTL (0) or for Born-improved predictions (1). Default: 1.


The neutral Drell-Yan process can be calculated either with only the off-shell photon contribution (0) or with both off-shell Z and photon contributions (full process, 1). Default: 1.

The CKM parameters are hard-coded in the include file constants.h located in the include directory at the moment. The user can modify these parameters, however it requires a new compilation of the code for the modification to be taken into account.

The program produces an output file containing the cross sections up to the desired order in QCD, including the numerical error of the integration. The factorization and renormalization scales used for the calculation are also reported.

Please note that the PDF used in the calculation is the same throughout the whole evaluation of the program: When asking e.g. for an N3LO calculation, the LO, NLO, and NNLO results are not using the corresponding PDFs, but simply the one provided by the user in the input file The evolution of the strong coupling constant and of the MSbar masses are consistently done at the given QCD order.

Citation policy

The user should cite the publication describing this computer program,

[1] J. Baglio, C. Duhr, B. Mistlberger, and R. Szafron, "Inclusive Production Cross Sections at N3LO". arXiv:2209.XXXX.

The program uses a quasi-Monte-Carlo (QMC) integration as implemented by

[2] S. Borowka, G. Heinrich, S. Jahn, S. P. Jones, M. Kerner, and J. Schenk, "A GPU compatible quasi-Monte Carlo integrator interfaced to pySecDec". Comp. Phys. Commun. 240 (2019) 120. DOI: 10.1016/j.cpc.2019.02.015, arXiv:1811.11720.

Their implementation can be found at this link.

The calculations underlying the Drell-Yan processes have been described in the following references,

[3] C. Duhr, F. Dulat, and B. Mistlberger, "The Drell-Yan cross section to third order in the strong coupling constant". Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 (2020) 172001. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.172001, arXiv:2001.07717.

[4] C. Duhr, F. Dulat, and B. Mistlberger, "Charged Current Drell-Yan Production at N3LO". JHEP 11 (2020) 143. DOI: 10.1007/JHEP11(2020)143, arXiv:2007.13313.

[5] C. Duhr and B. Mistlberger, "Lepton-pair production at hadron colliders at N3LO in QCD". JHEP 03 (2022) 116. DOI: 10.1007/JHEP03(2022)116, arXiv:2111.10379.

The user should refer to the following papers when using the program for the bottom-quark fusion process,

[6] C. Duhr, F. Dulat, and B. Mistlberger, "Higgs Boson Production in Bottom-Quark Fusion to Third Order in the Strong Coupling". Phys. Rev. Lett. 125 (2020) 051804. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevLett.125.051804, arXiv:1904.09990.

[7] C. Duhr, F. Dulat, V. Hirschi, and B. Mistlberger, "Higgs production in bottom quark fusion: matching the 4- and 5-flavour schemes to third order in the strong coupling". JHEP 08 (2020) 017. DOI: 10.1007/JHEP08(2020)017, arXiv:2004.04752.

When using the program for the gluon fusion process, at least the following references should be cited,

[8] C. Anastasiou, C. Duhr, F. Dulat, E. Furland, T. Gehrmann, F. Herzog, and B. Mistlberger, "Higgs boson gluon-fusion production at threshold in N3LO QCD". Phys. Lett. B 737 (2014) 325-328. DOI: 10.1016/j.physletb.2014.08.067, arXiv:1403.4616.

[9] B. Mistlberger, "Higgs boson production at hadron colliders at N3LO in QCD". JHEP 05 (2018) 028. DOI: 10.1007/JHEP05(2018)028, arXiv:1802.00833.

but the user is reminded that many other papers relevant for the desired process should also be referenced (e.g. LO, NLO, NNLO calculations for example).


  • Julien Baglio (@jubaglio)
  • Claude Duhr
  • Bernhard Mistlberger
  • Robert Szafron


N3LO cross sections calculator







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  • C++ 45.1%
  • C 43.0%
  • Makefile 8.9%
  • Shell 1.3%
  • TeX 1.3%
  • Python 0.3%
  • Other 0.1%