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#AngularJS / Bootstrap Slide-show


This project attempts to build a quick-and-dirty "slide" presenter, where the slide contents could be simple text or arbitrary HTML. This could act as a wrapper for a gallery of Angular applications or a static set of slides.


Include the listed dependencies, then slideShow.js, slideShow.css, slide-window.html, and slide.html from here. You can implement your own slides service to create a new slide source. The default service expects data/slides.json to contain an array of objects containing the parameters title and uri.

###Format for slides.json

  • title
    • String to be displayed in an h3 element at the top of the slide
  • uri
    • String containing the uri of an HTML document to be loaded as the content of the slide. Angular interpolation can be performed, but angular modules must already be loaded by a script tag outside the slide-show element.




A custom header can be added to be displayed over every slide. By default, this is included from content/header.html, but the location can be set using the header-template attribute on the slide-show directive. For example:

<slide-show header-template="my-header.html"></slide-show>


npm install
bower install

###Run tests

npm test

###Start automated testing

./node_modules/karma/bin/karma start karma.conf.js
grunt watch

###Host slides

npm start


A separate package.json manifest is included in the public folder that sets up a node-webkit window when the nodewebkit Grunt task is run. This can be a handy way to port your slideshow to various systems. The task is configured by default to build for Mac, Windows, and 64-bit Linux. Other options are available. Check with the Node-Webkit project and the Node-Webkit grunt task page for details.


A slide-show directive in AngularJS






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