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Amanda Watson edited this page Jan 25, 2024 · 9 revisions

Using Android Studio

  1. git clone --recursive
  2. Download and install Android Studio
  3. In Android Studio, select "Open"
  4. Navigate to [CitraVR project root]/src/android and click "Ok"
  5. In "Build > Select Build Variant", select release or relWithDebInfo as the "Active build variant".
  6. Click Build > Make Project to build the project. Click Run > Run 'app' (or the green 'play' button in the top-right corner of the screen) to build and automatically run on your connected Quest (see "Running on Quest")


  1. If Android Studio complains that it cannot find, create a file, [CitraVR project root]/src/android/ with the following:
sdk.dir=[path to Android SDK]

The path to the Android SDK can be found at File->Project Structure->SDK Location.

  1. Slow Emulation If video/audio runs slowly on a source build than the release, check to confirm you are not building debug. Debug builds run at extremely reduced performance.

    • Click "Build > Select Build Variants" and confirm you are running nightlyRel, nightlyRelWithDebugInfo, canaryRel or canaryRelWithDebugInfo
  2. If you see an error about "missing glslang --version", you need to install/update glslang on your system