Uses R to produce google charts data table while also adding responsive resizing to the chart.
To use this function googleVis must be pre-installed.
To use this function first run googleVis function on data you wish to plot assigning it to a variable.
e.g. m <- gvisBarChart(df, xvar, yvar, chartId)
I recommend adding a custom chartID to the chart. This is not necessary for the function to work but will make writing the html and div elements a lot easier.
if you wish to run for multiple charts then simply add them to a list.
e.g. charts <- list(m, n)
The javascript that is produced includes a jquery plugin written by Paul Irish so your html file will need to reference these within the header as well as the google scripts and jquery scripts.
<script src="jquery-1.11.3.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script src="debounce.js"></script>