GraphQL base source code for ReactJs project
yarn start
The directory layout of this source code should be refactored as below:
├── /.vscode/ # contain workspace visual studio code setting
├── /node_modules/ # 3rd-party libraries and utilities
├── /src/ # application's source code
│ ├── App.jsx # root component
│ ├── index.html # html template file for HtmlWebpackPlugin
│ ├── index.jsx # webpack entry point
│ ├── reducers.js # root redux reducer
│ ├── sagas.js # root redux saga
│ ├── store.js # redux store
│ ├── /common/ # reusable code for all projects
│ └── /admin/ # custom module, contain codes related to admin area
│ ├── /login/ # sub module, contain codes related to login feature
│ ├── /profile/ # sub module, contain codes related to update profile feature
│ ├── /components/ # shared components of admin module
│ ├── /constants/ # pre-defined constants, (redux) action types
│ ├── /actions.js # contains (redux) action creator functions
│ ├── /reducers.js # redux reducer
│ ├── /sagas.js # redux-saga code
│ ├── /utils.js # custom javascript functions
│ └── ... # any files specific to the technology we use
├── .babelrc # babel configuration file
├── .eslintrc.json # eslint config file
├── .gitignore # gitignore file
├── package.json # contains 3rd party libraries and utilities
├── # project overview and setup instructions
├── webpack.common.js # shared webpack configuration for both development & production
├── # Webpack configuration for development
├── # Webpack configuration for production
└── yarn.lock # specify exactly which versions of each dependency were installed
- React 16.6
- Webpack 4 configured for both development and production
- Less css supported
- CSS module enabled with sourcemaps
- Hot module replacement (HRM) enabled
- Ant Design UI framework
- Redux, Redux DevTools, Redux-Saga, React Router 4, React Router Redux integrated
- ESLint configured with Airbnb coding style (you still need to install eslint extension for vscode)
- Feature based project structure