This is a library I've created which is suitable to housing and testing various algorithms or data structures which I have found missing or lacking amongst the current breadth of C++ libraries. My focus is on bioinformatics related works, but I have taken some pains to make them general.
Building Requirements: gcc-libs, g++, libc, git, make, bison >= 3.0.4, flex
Use Requirements: libc
Documentation Requirements: Doxygen
$ make
$ make debug
$ ./test/test.out
# make install
Generate Documentation:
$cd doc/
$doxygen Doxyfile
- Pearson Correlation Matrix generation
- Kendall Correlation Matrix generation
- Spearman Correlation Matrix generation
- Simple Semi-Automated Thread dispatcher using pthreads
- Various statistical functions
- Quick-Merge Sort
- GEO's .soft file format general parser
- Upper Diagonal Square Matrix template, memory optimized
- Undirected Graph, Vertex, and Edge templates
- bitpacked array, and sparse bitpacked array
- universal GEO .soft file format container
Primary Author: Josh Marshall (
Conributors: Victor Claremboux