As of 2024, Anchore CLI is no longer maintained. There will be no future versions released. Users are advised to use AnchoreCTL when interacting with Anchore Enterprise.
For users interested in the supported commercial solution for container scanning and complaiance, schedule a demo to see Anchore Enterprise's broad set of enterprise capabilities including SBOM management, vulnerability management, and compliance management.
The Anchore CLI provides a command line interface on top of the Anchore Engine REST API.
Using the Anchore CLI users can manage and inspect images, policies, subscriptions and registries for the following:
Supported Operating Systems
- Alpine
- Amazon Linux 2
- CentOS
- Debian
- Google Distroless
- Oracle Linux
- Red Hat Enterprise Linux
- Red Hat Universal Base Image (UBI)
- Ubuntu
Supported Packages
- Java Archive (jar, war, ear)
- Python (PIP)
The Anchore CLI can be installed from source using the Python pip utility
git clone cd anchore-cli pip install --user --upgrade .
Or can be installed from the installed form source from the Python PyPI package repository.
yum install epel-release yum install python-pip pip install anchorecli
apt-get update apt-get install python-pip pip install anchorecli Note make sure ~/.local/bin is part of your PATH or just export it directly: export PATH="$HOME/.local/bin/:$PATH"
Use Python's pip package manager:
sudo easy_install pip pip install --user anchorecli export PATH=${PATH}:${HOME}/Library/Python/2.7/bin
To ensure anchore-cli is readily available in subsequent terminal sessions, remember to add that last line to your shell profile (.bash_profile or equivalent).
To update anchore-cli later:
pip install --user --upgrade anchorecli
By default the Anchore CLI will try to connect to the Anchore Engine at http://localhost/v1
with no authentication.
The username, password and URL for the server can be passed to the Anchore CLI as command line arguments.
--u TEXT Username eg. admin --p TEXT Password eg. foobar --url TEXT Service URL eg. http://localhost:8228/v1
Rather than passing these parameters for every call to the cli they can be stores as environment variables.
Add an image to the Anchore Engine
anchore-cli image add
Wait for an image to transition to analyzed
anchore-cli image wait
List images analyzed by the Anchore Engine
anchore-cli image list
Get summary information for a specified image
anchore-cli image get
Perform a vulnerability scan on an image
anchore-cli image vuln os
Perform a policy evaluation on an image
anchore-cli evaluate check --detail
List operating system packages present in an image
anchore-cli image content os
Subscribe to receive webhook notifications when new CVEs are added to an update
anchore-cli subscription activate vuln_update
For further details on use of the Anchore CLI with the Anchore Engine please refer to Anchore Engine