Firestorm is an HTML5/JavaScript game framework, who's goal is to provide a robust environment for game developers to easily create the games that they want to create. Modularity, and efficiency are some of the key goals of Firestorm.
- Firestorm utilizes Canvas API for hardware accelerated 2D rendering.
- Firestorm has a built in asset manager that easily loads and manages graphics, audio, and data files in a variety of formats.
- Firestorm has a scene system to easily manage the loading/unloading of different scenes/levels.
- Firestorm has input detection for mouse, keyboard, and touch.
- Firestorm has an animation system to easily display 2D animations.
- Firestorm has spritesheet support that couples nicely with the built-in animation system.
- Firestorm has a camera class that allows for many common camera functions like camera follow, screen shake, etc...
- Firestorm has basic GUI support for buttons.
- Firestorm comes with a full features Vector2 class that can be easily used for most physics systems or positional information.
- Firestorm will have basic GUI support for sliders and loading bars.
- Firestorm will utilize AABB's for basic broad phase collision detection.
- Firestorm will utilize Web Workers for concurrency in JavaScript.
- Firestorm will utilize WebGL for high performance 2D and 3D rendering.
- Firestorm will utilize NodeJS and WebSockets for networking capability.
- Firestorm will utilize Web Audio API for audio playback and generation.