Releases: andela-sjames/priorityQueue
Releases · andela-sjames/priorityQueue
Priority Queue Min heap
- Allow minheap to be created
package main
import (
pqueue ""
func main() {
// defaults to max heap if Min option is
// not set to true
maxheap := pqueue.NewHeap(pqueue.Options{})
maxheap.InsertPriority("Visit China", 2)
maxheap.InsertPriority("Visit Japan", 7)
maxheap.InsertPriority("Eat Pizza", 2)
maxheap.InsertPriority("Run marathon", 11)
maxheap.InsertPriority("Buy Banana", 7)
maxheap.InsertPriority("Go Fishing", 13)
maxheap.InsertPriority("Skipping", 2)
item, p := maxheap.ShowPriority()
fmt.Println(item, p, "The priority") // Go Fishing 13 The priority
s := maxheap.ShowHeap()
// [{"Item":"Go Fishing","Priority":13} {"Item":"Visit Japan","Priority":7} {"Item":"Run marathon","Priority":11} {"Item":"Visit China","Priority":2} {"Item":"Buy Banana","Priority":7} {"Item":"Eat Pizza","Priority":2} {"Item":"Skipping","Priority":2}]
t := maxheap.ShowHashTable()
fmt.Println(t) // &map[2:[3 5 6] 7:[1 4] 11:[2] 13:[0]]
item, p = maxheap.Poll()
fmt.Println(item, p, "The poll") // Go Fishing 13 The poll
t = maxheap.ShowHashTable()
fmt.Println(t) // &map[2:[3 5 2] 7:[1 4] 11:[0]]
_ = maxheap.Remove(11)
t = maxheap.ShowHashTable()
fmt.Println(t) // &map[2:[3 2 4] 7:[0 1]]
l := maxheap.Length()
fmt.Println(t) // 5
// Set Min option to true for minheap
minheap := pqueue.NewHeap(pqueue.Options{
Min: true,