This repository contains a set of Matlab functions to uncover microstates in functional neuroimaging data using directional archetypal analysis. The data may be multimodal, i.e., simultaneous EEG and MEG.
Combining electro- and magnetoencephalography data using directional archetypal analysis Anders S. Olsen, Rasmus MT Høegh, Jesper L Hinrich, Kristoffer H Madsen, Morten Mørup.
Please follow the script DAA_main to view the general pipeline and further explore the scripts.
The actual directional archetypal analysis function can be found in model/DAA_MMMSWAA (short for MultiModal, MultiSubject Watson Archetypal Analysis)
Technical University of Denmark
Free to use but please cite our paper if you do.
Please direct potential bugs or suggestions for improvement to
Otherwise, we can be found on Twitter (@anders-s-olsen and @rasthh)