Make u Toast become lovely and alive,
- 6 kinds of types(6种的toast类型)
- 3 kinds of show and out animation(3种显示与取消的动画) support custom(支持自定义添加更多)
- 2 kinds of animation location(可选2种动画位置)
- support fast click ,cancel previous animation automatically(支持快速点击,自定取消上次动画)
- listen homekey to cancel Toast.(内部作了home键的监听取消Toast)
dependencies {
compile 'com.ljs.lovelytoast:LovelyToast:1.0.0'
LovelyToast.makeText(mActivity.this, " SUCCESS!!", LovelyToast.LENGTH_SHORT,
LovelyToast.makeText(mActivity.this, " Hi guys !",LovelyToast.LENGTH_SHORT , LovelyToast.SUCCESS, LovelyToast.SCALE , LovelyToast.RIGHT);
public static void makeText(Context context, String msg, int length, int type, @Nullable int showanim, @Nullable int leftorright)
type :(六种Toast类型分别)
- LovelyToast.SUCCESS,
- LovelyToast.WARNING,
- LovelyToast.ERROR,
- LovelyToast.CONFUSING,
- LovelyToast..INFO,
- LovelyToast.DEFAULT。
showanim :(三种Toast展示动画)
- LovelyToast.SCALE
- LovelyToast.TOP_DOWN
- LovelyToast.LEFT_RIGHT
- custom style,(可以自定义)
- null=native anim;(不填默认原生动画)
- LovelyToast.LEFT
- LovelyToast.RIGHT
- null=LovelyToast.LEFT(不填默认左边动画)
LovelyToast.makeText(mActivity.this, " hi guys",LovelyToast.LENGTH_SHORT, LovelyToast.SUCCESS, , LovelyToast.RIGHT)
<style name="customanim">
<item name="android:windowEnterAnimation">@anim/toast_enter</item>
<item name="android:windowExitAnimation">@anim/toast_out</item>
###Contributors I want to update this Toast and make it better. So any help will be appreciated. Make and pull - request and we can discuss it.
This Licence, don't need a Public Licence!i don't care! If u like the LovelyToast, give me a star, don't be such a dick, u just do what u want to do. (不需要licence,大家想怎么用怎么用,给个star即可,thanks!! )