WiringPi, http://wiringpi.com, RasPi GPIO support for ecmc (https://github.com/icshwi/ecmc).
This module is basically a wrapper to some parts of WiringPi (functions and constants):
- http://wiringpi.com/reference/setup/
- http://wiringpi.com/reference/core-functions/
- http://wiringpi.com/reference/raspberry-pi-specifics/
See this repo for some more doc on how to implement a ecmc plugin:
Setup functions (http://wiringpi.com/reference/setup/)
WiringPi: int wiringPiSetup()
WiringPi: int wiringPiSetupGpio()
WiringPi: int wiringPiSetupPhys()
WiringPi: int wiringPiSetupSys()
Core functions (http://wiringpi.com/reference/core-functions/)
WiringPi: void digitalWrite(pin,level)
WiringPi: level=digitalRead(pin)
WiringPi: void pinMode(pin,mode)
WiringPi: void pullUpDnControl(pin,pud)
WiringPi: void pwmWrite(pin,value)
WiringPi: value=analogRead(pin)
WiringPi: void analogWrite(pin,value)
RasPi specifics (http://wiringpi.com/reference/raspberry-pi-specifics/)
WiringPi: void digitalWriteByte(value)
WiringPi: void pwmSetMode(mode)
WiringPi: void pwmSetRange(range)
WiringPi: void pwmSetClock(divisor)
WiringPi: int piBoardRev()
WiringPi: int wpiPinToGpio(wPiPin)
WiringPi: int physPinToGpio(physPin)
WiringPi: int setPadDrive(group, value)
WiringPi: Signal level LOW (=0)
WiringPi: Signal level HIGH (=1)
WiringPi: Pin mode INPUT (=0)
WiringPi: Pin mode OUTPUT (=1)
WiringPi: Pin mode PWM_OUTPUT (=2)
WiringPi: Pin mode GPIO_CLOCK (=3)
WiringPi: Pin mode SOFT_PWM_OUTPUT (=4)
WiringPi: Pin mode SOFT_TONE_OUTPUT (=5)
WiringPi: Pin mode PWM_TONE_OUTPUT (=6)
WiringPi: Pull up/down resistor mode, PUD_OFF (=0)
WiringPi: Pull up/down resistor mode, PUD_DOWN (=1)
WiringPi: Pull up/down resistor mode, PUD_UP (=2)
WiringPi: PWM mode PWM_MODE_MS (=0)
WiringPi: PWM mode PWM_MODE_BAL (=1)
WiringPi: Mode WPI_MODE_PINS (=0)
WiringPi: Mode WPI_MODE_GPIO (=1)
WiringPi: Mode WPI_MODE_GPIO_SYS (=2)
WiringPi: Mode WPI_MODE_PHYS (=3)
WiringPi: Mode WPI_MODE_PIFACE (=4)
$ cd /tmp
$ wget https://project-downloads.drogon.net/wiringpi-latest.deb
$ sudo dpkg -i wiringpi-latest.deb
Can be a bit confusing. This module defaults to the wiringPi pin numbering but can be changed with the different setup functions.
Seems the library is deprecated. http://wiringpi.com/wiringpi-deprecated/ However sources are still available at this mirror: https://github.com/WiringPi/WiringPi Not sure how to handle this. Since wiringPi is installed in the raspian dist I guess there will be solution.
## Load plugin:
epicsEnvSet(ECMC_PLUGIN_CONFIG,"DBG_PRINT=1") # Enable printouts from plugin
iocshLoad /epics/base-, "PLUGIN_ID=0,FILE=/epics/base-,CONFIG='DBG_PRINT=1', REPORT=1"
# pluginLoad.cmd
ecmcConfigOrDie "Cfg.LoadPlugin(0,/epics/base-,DBG_PRINT=1)"
../ecmc_plugin_raspiApp/src/ecmcPluginRasPi.c/rpi_Construct:67: ConfigStr="DBG_PRINT=1"
Ecmc plugin, ecmcRasPi, for RasPi GPIO support loading...
Note: Defaults to WiringPi pin numbering if not another setup function is called.
2020/03/29 12:19:56.366 OK
ecmcEpicsEnvSetCalcTenary("ECMC_PLUGIN_REPORT", "1>0","","#")
ecmcConfigOrDie "Cfg.ReportPlugin(0)"
Plugin info:
Index = 0
Name = ecmcRasPi
Description = ecmc plugin for GPIO access on RasPi (wrapper to WiringPi)
Option description = DBG_PRINT=1/0 : Enables/disables printouts from plugin.
Filename = /epics/base-
Config string = DBG_PRINT=1
Version = 1
Interface version = 512 (ecmc = 512)
max plc funcs = 64
max plc func args = 10
max plc consts = 64
Construct func = @0xb5014224
Enter realtime func = @0xb5014370
Exit realtime func = @0xb5014f3c
Realtime func = @0xb50141c0
Destruct func = @0xb5014308
dlhandle = @0x1f00f18
Plc functions:
Name = "rpi_digitalWrite(arg0, arg1);"
Desc = WiringPi: void digitalWrite(pin,level)
Arg count = 2
func = @0xb50145ac
Name = "rpi_digitalRead(arg0);"
Desc = WiringPi: level=digitalRead(pin)
Arg count = 1
func = @0xb501465c
Name = "rpi_pinMode(arg0, arg1);"
Desc = WiringPi: void pinMode(pin,mode)
Arg count = 2
func = @0xb50146f8
Name = "rpi_pullUpDnControl(arg0, arg1);"
Desc = WiringPi: void pullUpDnControl(pin,pud)
Arg count = 2
func = @0xb50147a4
Name = "rpi_pwmWrite(arg0, arg1);"
Desc = WiringPi: void pwmWrite(pin,value)
Arg count = 2
func = @0xb5014854
Name = "rpi_analogRead(arg0);"
Desc = WiringPi: value=analogRead(pin)
Arg count = 1
func = @0xb5014904
Name = "rpi_analogWrite(arg0, arg1);"
Desc = WiringPi: void analogWrite(pin,value)
Arg count = 2
func = @0xb50149a0
Name = "rpi_digitalWriteByte(arg0);"
Desc = WiringPi: void digitalWriteByte(value)
Arg count = 1
func = @0xb5014a4c
Name = "rpi_pwmSetMode(arg0);"
Desc = WiringPi: void pwmSetMode(mode)
Arg count = 1
func = @0xb5014aec
Name = "rpi_pwmSetRange(arg0);"
Desc = WiringPi: void pwmSetRange(range)
Arg count = 1
func = @0xb5014b8c
Name = "rpi_pwmSetClock(arg0);"
Desc = WiringPi: void pwmSetClock(divisor)
Arg count = 1
func = @0xb5014c2c
Name = "rpi_piBoardRev();"
Desc = WiringPi: int piBoardRev()
Arg count = 0
func = @0xb5014ccc
Name = "rpi_wpiPinToGpio(arg0);"
Desc = WiringPi: int wpiPinToGpio(wPiPin)
Arg count = 1
func = @0xb5014d54
Name = "rpi_physPinToGpio(arg0);"
Desc = WiringPi: int physPinToGpio(physPin)
Arg count = 1
func = @0xb5014df0
Name = "rpi_setPadDrive(arg0, arg1);"
Desc = WiringPi: int setPadDrive(group, value)
Arg count = 2
func = @0xb5014e8c
Name = "rpi_wiringPiSetup();"
Desc = WiringPi: int wiringPiSetup()
Arg count = 0
func = @0xb50143dc
Name = "rpi_wiringPiSetupGpio();"
Desc = WiringPi: int wiringPiSetupGpio()
Arg count = 0
func = @0xb5014450
Name = "rpi_wiringPiSetupPhys();"
Desc = WiringPi: int wiringPiSetupPhys()
Arg count = 0
func = @0xb50144c4
Name = "rpi_wiringPiSetupSys();"
Desc = WiringPi: int wiringPiSetupSys()
Arg count = 0
func = @0xb5014538
Plc constants:
Name = "rpi_LOW" = 0.000
Desc = WiringPi: Signal level LOW (=0)
Name = "rpi_HIGH" = 1.000
Desc = WiringPi: Signal level HIGH (=1)
Name = "rpi_INPUT" = 0.000
Desc = WiringPi: Pin mode INPUT (=0)
Name = "rpi_OUTPUT" = 1.000
Desc = WiringPi: Pin mode OUTPUT (=1)
Name = "rpi_PWM_OUTPUT" = 2.000
Desc = WiringPi: Pin mode PWM_OUTPUT (=2)
Name = "rpi_GPIO_CLOCK" = 3.000
Desc = WiringPi: Pin mode GPIO_CLOCK (=3)
Name = "rpi_SOFT_PWM_OUTPUT" = 4.000
Desc = WiringPi: Pin mode SOFT_PWM_OUTPUT (=4)
Name = "rpi_SOFT_TONE_OUTPUT" = 5.000
Desc = WiringPi: Pin mode SOFT_TONE_OUTPUT (=5)
Name = "rpi_PWM_TONE_OUTPUT" = 6.000
Desc = WiringPi: Pin mode PWM_TONE_OUTPUT (=6)
Name = "rpi_PUD_OFF" = 0.000
Desc = WiringPi: Pull up/down resistor mode, PUD_OFF (=0)
Name = "rpi_PUD_DOWN" = 1.000
Desc = WiringPi: Pull up/down resistor mode, PUD_DOWN (=1)
Name = "rpi_PUD_UP" = 2.000
Desc = WiringPi: Pull up/down resistor mode, PUD_UP (=2)
Name = "rpi_PWM_MODE_MS" = 0.000
Desc = WiringPi: PWM mode PWM_MODE_MS (=0)
Name = "rpi_PWM_MODE_BAL" = 1.000
Desc = WiringPi: PWM mode PWM_MODE_BAL (=1)
Name = "rpi_WPI_MODE_PINS" = 0.000
Desc = WiringPi: Mode WPI_MODE_PINS (=0)
Name = "rpi_WPI_MODE_GPIO" = 1.000
Desc = WiringPi: Mode WPI_MODE_GPIO (=1)
Name = "rpi_WPI_MODE_GPIO_SYS" = 2.000
Desc = WiringPi: Mode WPI_MODE_GPIO_SYS (=2)
Name = "rpi_WPI_MODE_PHYS" = 3.000
Desc = WiringPi: Mode WPI_MODE_PHYS (=3)
Name = "rpi_WPI_MODE_PIFACE" = 4.000
Desc = WiringPi: Mode WPI_MODE_PIFACE (=4)
2020/03/29 12:19:56.368 OK
The interface is defined in the structure ecmcPluginData in ecmcPluginDefs.h:
struct ecmcPluginData {
// Name
const char *name;
// Description
const char *desc;
// Plugin version
int version;
int ifVersion;
// Optional construct func, called once at load
int (*constructFnc)(void);
// Optional destruct func, called once at unload
void (*destructFnc)(void);
// Optional func that will be called once just before enter realtime mode
int (*realtimeEnterFnc)(void*);
// Optional func that will be called once just before exit realtime mode
int (*realtimeExitFnc)(void);
// Optional func that will be called each realtime cycle
int (*realtimeFnc)(int);
// Allow max ECMC_PLUGIN_MAX_PLC_FUNC_COUNT custom plc functions
struct ecmcOnePlcFunc funcs[ECMC_PLUGIN_MAX_PLC_FUNC_COUNT];
// Allow max ECMC_PLUGIN_MAX_PLC_CONST_COUNT custom plc constants
struct ecmcOnePlcConst consts[ECMC_PLUGIN_MAX_PLC_CONST_COUNT];
All callbacks are optional. If the callbacks are not used then set the func pointer to NULL ("ecmcPluginData.*Fnc=NULL").
This callback is called once when the plugin is loaded into ecmc. This is a good place to put code for any initialization needed in the plugin module.
Return value: 0 for success or error code.
This callback is called once when the plugin is unloaded. This is a good place to put cleanup code needed by the plugin module.
This callback is called once in each realtime loop (sync to ecmc). This is a good place to put any cyclic processing needed by the plugin module.
Parameters: ecmcErrorId: reflects the current errorstate of ecmc.
Return value: 0 for success or error code.
This callback is called once just before ecmc enters realtime mode (starts rt-thread). This is a good place to make any prepartions needed before cyclic processing starts.
Parameters: ecmcRefs: ref to ecmcdata that can be cast to ecmcPluginDataRefs
struct ecmcPluginDataRefs {
double sampleTimeMS;
ecmcAsynPortDriver *ecmcAsynPort;
Return value: 0 for success or error code.
This callback is called once just before ecmc exits realtime mode (exits rt-thread).
Return value: 0 for success or error code.
// Compile data for lib so ecmc now what to use
struct ecmcPluginData pluginDataDef = {
// Name
.name = "ecmcExamplePlugin",
// Description
.desc = "Advanced example with use of asynport obj.",
// Plugin version
// Optional construct func, called once at load. NULL if not definded.
.constructFnc = adv_exampleConstruct,
// Optional destruct func, called once at unload. NULL if not definded.
.destructFnc = adv_exampleDestruct,
// Optional func that will be called each rt cycle. NULL if not definded.
.realtimeFnc = adv_exampleRealtime,
// Optional func that will be called once just before enter realtime mode
.realtimeEnterFnc = adv_exampleEnterRT,
// Optional func that will be called once just before exit realtime mode
.realtimeExitFnc = adv_exampleExitRT,
Custom ecmc PLC-functions can be implemented in plugins. Currentlly the interface supports implementation of up to 64 plc functions. Each plc function needs to be defined by the struct "ecmcOnePlcFunc":
struct ecmcOnePlcFunc {
// Function name (this is the name you use in ecmc plc-code)
const char *funcName;
// Function description
const char *funcDesc;
* 7 different prototypes allowed (only doubles since reg in plc).
* Only one funcArg<argCount> func shall be assigned the rest set to NULL
double (*funcArg0)();
double (*funcArg1)(double);
double (*funcArg2)(double,double);
double (*funcArg3)(double,double,double);
double (*funcArg4)(double,double,double,double);
double (*funcArg5)(double,double,double,double,double);
double (*funcArg6)(double,double,double,double,double,double);
.funcs[0] =
{ /*----customPlcFunc1----*/
// Function name (this is the name you use in ecmc plc-code)
.funcName = "adv_plugin_func_1",
// Function description
.funcDesc = "Multiply arg0 with arg1.",
* 7 different prototypes allowed (only doubles since reg in plc).
* Only funcArg<argCount> one func shall be assigned the rest set to NULL.
.funcArg0 = NULL,
.funcArg1 = NULL,
.funcArg2 = adv_customPlcFunc1, // Func 1 has 2 args
.funcArg3 = NULL,
.funcArg4 = NULL,
.funcArg5 = NULL,
.funcArg6 = NULL
Note: Only the first non NULL function will be used (starting from funcArg0...)
Custom ecmc PLC-constants can be implemented in plugins. Currentlly the interface supports implementation of up to 64 plc constants. Each plc constant needs to be defined by the struct "ecmcOnePlcFunc":
struct ecmcOnePlcConst{
const char *constName;
const char *constDesc;
double constValue;
.consts[0] = {
.constName = "adv_CONST_1",
.constDesc = "Test constant \"adv_CONST_1\" = 1.234567890",
.constValue = 1.234567890,
All needed headers are available in ecmc (https://github.com/icshwi/ecmc)
Only the "ecmcPluginDefs.h" header is needed.
When using the "void* ecmcRefs" param (cast to ecmcPluginDataRefs)in the "realtimeEnterFnc()" these additional headers are needed:
- from ecmc:
- ecmcAsynPortDriver.h
- ecmcAsynDataItem.h
- ecmcAsynPortDriverUtils.h
- ecmcDefinitions.h
- ecmcErrorsList.h
- ecmcPluginDataRefs.h
- from asyn:
- asynPortDriver.h
Note: This define is needed in the plugin sources: