Bird - Raku DSL for Linux Servers Verification.
It's written in Raku and exposes pure Raku API.
Bird is under active development now, things might change.
zef install Bird
Bird uses Sparrow6 plugin ssh-bulk-check
to do it's work, so one needs
to setup Sparrow6 repository:
export SP6_REPO=
To run check remotely install ssh-pass:
sudo yum install sshpass
Create rules:
cat rules.pl6
directory-exists "{%*ENV<HOME>}";
file-exists "{%*ENV<HOME>}/.bashrc";
bash "echo hello > /tmp/bird.tmp";
bash "echo bird >> /tmp/bird.tmp";
file-has-line "/tmp/bird.tmp", "hello", "bird";
file-has-permission "documentation/", %( read-all => True );
file-has-permission "bin/bird", %( execute-all => True, read-all => True );
bash "chmod a+r /tmp/bird.tmp";
bash "chmod a+w /tmp/bird.tmp";
file-has-permission "/tmp/bird.tmp", %( write-all => True, read-all => True );
command-has-stdout "echo hello; echo bird", "hello", "bird";
command-exit-code "raku --version", 0;
package-installed "nano";
pip3-package-installed "PyYAML";
file-has-permission "rules.pl6", %( read-all => True );
package-installed "nano";
bash "echo username=admin > /tmp/creds.txt; echo password=123 >> /tmp/creds.txt;";
file-data-not-empty "/tmp/creds.txt",
"username=", "password=";
Run checks against hosts:
bird:: [read hosts from file] [hosts.pl6]
bird:: [cmd file] [/root/.bird/274302/]
bird:: [check file] [/root/.bird/274302/state.check]
bird:: [init cmd file]
[bash: echo hello > /tmp/bird.tmp] :: <empty stdout>
[bash: echo bird >> /tmp/bird.tmp] :: <empty stdout>
[bash: chmod a+r /tmp/bird.tmp] :: <empty stdout>
[bash: chmod a+w /tmp/bird.tmp] :: <empty stdout>
[bash: echo username=admin > /tmp/creds.txt; echo passwor ...] :: <empty stdout>
[repository] :: index updated from file:///root/repo/api/v1/index
[check my hosts] :: check host [localhost]
[check my hosts] :: ==========================================================
[check my hosts] :: <<< test_01: directory /root exists
[check my hosts] :: directory /root exists
[check my hosts] :: >>>
[check my hosts] :: <<< test_02: file /root/.bashrc exists
[check my hosts] :: file /root/.bashrc exists
[check my hosts] :: >>>
[check my hosts] :: <<< test_03: file /tmp/bird.tmp has lines
[check my hosts] :: hello
[check my hosts] :: bird
[check my hosts] :: >>>
[check my hosts] :: <<< test_04: file documentation/ is readable by all
[check my hosts] :: -rw-r--r--
[check my hosts] :: >>>
[check my hosts] :: <<< test_05: file bin/bird is readable by all
[check my hosts] :: -rwxr-xr-x
[check my hosts] :: >>>
[check my hosts] :: <<< test_06: file bin/bird is executable by all
[check my hosts] :: -rwxr-xr-x
[check my hosts] :: >>>
[check my hosts] :: <<< test_07: file /tmp/bird.tmp is readable by all
[check my hosts] :: -rw-rw-rw-
[check my hosts] :: >>>
[check my hosts] :: <<< test_08: file /tmp/bird.tmp is writtable by all
[check my hosts] :: -rw-rw-rw-
[check my hosts] :: >>>
[check my hosts] :: <<< test_09: command [echo hello; echo bird] has stdout
[check my hosts] :: hello
[check my hosts] :: bird
[check my hosts] :: >>>
[check my hosts] :: <<< test_10: command [raku --version] has exit code
[check my hosts] :: command [raku --version] exit code [0]
[check my hosts] :: >>>
[check my hosts] :: <<< test_11: package(s) installed
[check my hosts] :: Installed Packages
[check my hosts] :: nano.x86_64 2.9.8-1.el8 @baseos
[check my hosts] :: package nano is installed
[check my hosts] :: >>>
[check my hosts] :: <<< test_12: pip3 package(s) installed
[check my hosts] :: PyYAML 3.12
[check my hosts] :: >>>
[check my hosts] :: <<< test_13: file rules.pl6 is readable by all
[check my hosts] :: -rw-r--r--
[check my hosts] :: >>>
[check my hosts] :: <<< test_14: package(s) installed
[check my hosts] :: Installed Packages
[check my hosts] :: nano.x86_64 2.9.8-1.el8 @baseos
[check my hosts] :: package nano is installed
[check my hosts] :: >>>
[check my hosts] :: <<< test_15: file /tmp/creds.txt data not empty
[check my hosts] :: >>> username=[censored]
[check my hosts] :: >>> password=[censored]
[check my hosts] :: >>>
[check my hosts] :: end check host [localhost]
[check my hosts] :: ==========================================================
[task check] verify host [localhost] start
[task check] test_01: directory /root exists
[task check] stdout match (r) <directory /root exists> True
[task check] test_02: file /root/.bashrc exists
[task check] stdout match (r) <file /root/.bashrc exists> True
[task check] test_03: file /tmp/bird.tmp has lines ["hello", "bird"]
[task check] stdout match (r) <hello> True
[task check] stdout match (r) <bird> True
[task check] test_04: file documentation/ is readable by all
[task check] stdout match (r) <^^^ \S "r"\S\S "r"\S\S "r"\S\S $$> True
[task check] test_05: file bin/bird is readable by all
[task check] stdout match (r) <^^^ \S "r"\S\S "r"\S\S "r"\S\S $$> True
[task check] test_06: file bin/bird is executable by all
[task check] stdout match (r) <^^^ \S \S\S"x" \S\S"x" \S\S"x" $$> True
[task check] test_07: file /tmp/bird.tmp is readable by all
[task check] stdout match (r) <^^^ \S "r"\S\S "r"\S\S "r"\S\S $$> True
[task check] test_08: file /tmp/bird.tmp is writtable by all
[task check] stdout match (r) <^^^ \S \S"w"\S \S"w"\S \S"w"\S $$> True
[task check] test_09: command [echo hello; echo bird] has stdout
[task check] ["hello", "bird"]
[task check] stdout match (r) <hello> True
[task check] stdout match (r) <bird> True
[task check] test_10: command [raku --version] has exit code [0]
[task check] stdout match (r) <command [raku --version] exit code [0]> True
[task check] test_11: package(s) installed "nano"
[task check] stdout match (r) <package nano is installed> True
[task check] test_12: pip3 package(s) installed "PyYAML"
[task check] stdout match (r) <^^ 'PyYAML' \s+> True
[task check] test_13: file rules.pl6 is readable by all
[task check] stdout match (r) <^^^ \S "r"\S\S "r"\S\S "r"\S\S $$> True
[task check] test_14: package(s) installed "nano"
[task check] stdout match (r) <package nano is installed> True
[task check] test_15: file /tmp/creds.txt data not empty ["username=", "password="]
[task check] stdout match (r) <^^ '>>>'> True
[task check] <>>> username=[censored] is not empty> True
[task check] <>>> password=[censored] is not empty> True
[task check] verify host [localhost] end
Rules DSL is special language to validate states of Linux host.
This is just plain Raku functions:
file-exists "{%*ENV<HOME>}/.bashrc";
The full list of DSL functions available here.
There are two ways to set ssh hosts:
By using --host
, --user
, --password
bird --host= --user=alex --password=PasSword
To define dynamic hosts configuration, use hosts.pl6
, this should
be Raku script that returns @Array
of hosts:
# so on
For example:
use Sparrow6::DSL;
my %state = task-run "worker nodes", "ambari-hosts", %(
ambari_host => '',
admin => 'super-jack',
password => 'PaSsWord123',
cluster => "cluster01",
node_type => "worker",
%state<hosts><>.map: { %i<ip> }
Path to rules file. If not set
in cwd is taken
Ssh password. Optional
Ssh user. Optional
Ssh host. Optional, see also hosts.pl6
Verbose mode. Not used now. Reserved for the future
Alexey Melezhik
God Who inspires me in my life!