(I need to come up with a better name - bear with me)
A tool to generate simple blogs on a static website (including GitHub pages!), including images, and links
A free tool to use and change as you desire (a backlink or mention would be nice though)
A full blog framework (due to the nature of static sites, complex features such as login systems and comments aren't really possible)
A tool with a friendly interface to help with markdown generation (this is coming, just not yet)
- For a full run down on how to use this tool, please refer to the files in
- This was initially a tool that I wrote over two weeks or so, to compliment a school project of mine, which can be found [here](link to come)
- Pull requests would be amazing! I have a rough TODO list in the issues, but if anything looks pressing, or you add a feature ect. put a request through and I'll take a look. Thanks!
Anything else unexpected? If you need to contact me for whatever reason, I can be found at portlester.tom@gmail.com