A preview-plugin for LiaScript, an extended markdown notation that is intended to be used for interactive online-course generation.
This has been tested on Linux and Windows.
Install Atom 1.22 or newer
You will have to install git first! If you are on a Windows machine, go to:
Download and install git with the default settings for your system.
Launch Atom
Open Settings View using Cmd+, on macOS or Ctrl+, on other platforms
Or simply hit Ctrl+Shift+P to get to the fuzzy search and type: settings
... and hit enter
Click the Install tab on the left side
in the search box -
Click the "Install" button that appears
Install Atom 1.48 or newer
In the terminal, install the package via apm:
`apm install andre-dietrich/liascript-preview`
- Autoreload on save
- Toggle Preview
- History navigation
- Resizing
- Syncing in both directions via double-clicking
- Separate Dev-Tools
- Experimental jit-compiler
Shortcut | Action |
Alt+l | Toggle preview |
F5 | Reload preview |
Ctrl+s | Save Markdown and update preview |
Alt+Left | Go back in the browser history |
Alt+Right | Go forward in the browser history |
Ctrl++ | Zoom-in with 10% steps |
Ctrl+- | Zoom-out with 10% steps |
Ctrl+0 | Reset zoom to original (100%) |
Ctrl+r | Reset all stored settings, codes, quizzes, etc. |
Ctrl+n | Open LiaScript in browser window |
Ctrl+l+i | Open Dev Tools for LiaScript-webview |
It is recommended to install also:
A collection of short-codes for mor efficient course generation.