This simple project probably doesn't need this overengineering, it is just an example of clean architecture and MVVM pattern written in swift. No template was used on this project.
- Domain Layer = Entities + Use Cases + Repositories Interfaces
- Data Repositories Layer = Repositories Implementations + API (Network) + Persistence DB
- Presentation Layer (MVVM) = ViewModels + Views
Note: Domain Layer should not include anything from other layers(e.g Presentation — UIKit or SwiftUI or Data Layer — Mapping Codable)
- Clean Architecture
- Dependency Injection
- Flow Coordinator
- Dark Mode
- SwiftUI example, demostration that presentation layer does not change, only UI.
- [SPM] Swift Package Manager is a tool for managing the project dependencies.
- [Nuke] Image Loading System (
- Cache breeds list
- Add search on the breeds list scene
- Separate the different layers in modules. [Modular Architecture] (
- ✅ Already created the Networking module
- Add refresh button on the breed random images.
- Make breed image bigger when tapping it (as a pop up).
- Add tests
- Create DTO objects and map them toDomain().
- Run the app on iOS 14 or above to see the breeds list with Swift UI. Run it under iOS 14 and see a better design with UIKit.
- Feel free to change the code so to see the different breeds list designs.