I've added preliminary callweaver support, tested with 1.2 SVN -7301. AGI and OGI now co-exist, as I've added CallWeaver specific classes. Many of these classes inherit form the Asterisk ones. Changed command casing, and the possibility to specifiy the orginating platform from the Server class. to use specify enable_callweaver in startup.rb of an ahn application. Config same as Asterisk. Hope this is useful.
Adhearsion is an open-source voice application development framework. Adhearsion users write applications atop the framework with Ruby and call into their code.
Adhearsion rests above a lower-level telephony platform, namely Asterisk, though there are experimental bindings for both FreeSWITCH and Yate.
Adhearsion has...
- An elegant dialplan system for writing the code which controls a live phone call
- A sophisticated Asterisk Manager Interface library with a lexer written in Ragel.
- An events subsystem which maintains a Thread-pool for executing your namespaced callbacks. (supports AMI events too!)
- A very useful component architecture with which you may write Adhearsion plugins and share them with the world.
- JRuby compatibility for running atop the Java Virtual Machine and using virtually any Java library.
- Good regression test coverage
Don't want to screw with setting up a telephony system? You can test your Adhearsion applications using our public sandbox!
Visit http://adhearsion.com/getting_started for more information!
Yes, in minutes you can be controlling your cell phone for free! :)
Visit Adhearsion's website for more information about the framework or visit the wiki for documentation on how to use it.
If you're having trouble, you may want to try asking your question on the IRC channel, mailing list or, if you've found a bug, report it on the bug tracker.