My Money Sample SPA Application using AngularJS, OrigoDB, EF and many key software development concepts
Hello everyone! It's Andre speaking. This sample project is all about learning... It was created during one of my classes, by me and my students. I tried to use several key software concepts on it. Many of them, I was able to do the right way... Many of them, I did wrong or are incomplete. All kind of contribution is welcome. Use this sample to learn, teach, change, criticize, whatever you will. Just keep in mind that it was an experiment created during a course... Of course it would be great if you contributed with ideas and more code. There is a lot to do. So many concepts to apply, to improve. Maybe you can find the ones I did right, the ones I did wrong. I think the following items are the most important things to do:
- Improve/Change the specflow scenarios by implementing the tests the right way, mocking the objects that are not under test. The way it is implemented is wrong and the tests will fail due to the wrong reasons. Let's MOCK IT! If you are an student, it may be a very interesting challenge for you.
- Create more tests, more scenarios, more features.
- Implement security with OAuth Authentication and Authorization.
- Evolve the Domain... The current domain is too simple. What if we evolve it to a complex one?
- Improve the layout and styles. Apply themes, etc.
- Improve/create more features for the administration area
These are the ones I figured out by now. Please, contribute with more ideas...
Best regards,
André Pires