The Python source is the first stage in my port from undergrad work I had implemented in Matlab.
It's main functionality is provide users with a way to:
- simulate random processes that define neuron firing rates
- visualize the neuron firing rates
- generate spike rasters according to the random distributions desired
- send those packed event arrays using a network protocol to a listening decoding process
- TODO: train the weights of an inference model using generated brain activity and corresponding physical stimiulus.
$ python3 --mode simulate --rates 50 --intervals 2000 --num-trials 100 --rand EXP
- Receive Spike Rasters on a listening interface
- Deserialize and enqueue the raster structs as work in progress
- TODO: "Decode" the SpikeRasters using trained weights from Step 5 above and predict and encode the physical stimulus determined by the model.
$ ./decode
decode.cpp: 71: Binding to 8808
tcp.cpp: 142: Listening for connection...
tcp.cpp: 177: Connection accpeted, stream open...
The following steps are prepared and implemented in the bash scripts
- Set your compiler:
$ export CC=/usr/bin/clang
$ export CXX=/usr/bin/clang++
- Create a destination directory for build artifacts:
$ mkdir -p build
- Generate the Makefile:
$ cmake \
- Run the generated Makefile
$ make -C ./build
No support for Windows. YMMV with MacOS. Excited to continue adding support for these.