A simple package providing the Noto Sans font face.
The fonts are available in the .eot
, .woff2
, .woff
, .ttf
and .svg
formats in order to be compliant with all browsers (from IE6/very-old-iOS to modern browsers).
# Install via npm
npm install notosans-fontface --save
# Install via yarn
yarn add notosans-fontface
# Install via bower
bower install notosans-fontface --save
For each font you want to use, you need to copy the fonts from the fonts
directory of this project.
By example, for the NotoSans Regular
font, required files are:
Packages are ready-to-use css
, less
and scss
For each package, you need to provides all .eot
, .woff2
, .woff
, .ttf
and .svg
font files in the configured directory.
If you are using the LESS or SCSS package file, you can override the notosans-fontface-path
variable before the import of notosans-fontface.
This variable configures the directory where the fonts are stored, the default value is ../fonts
// my-website/style.less
@notosans-fontface-path: "fonts/Noto/";
@import "notosans-fontface/less/notosans-fontface";
body {
font-family: "Noto Sans", sans-serif;
// my-website/style.scss
$notosans-fontface-path: "fonts/Noto/";
@import "notosans-fontface/scss/notosans-fontface";
body {
font-family: "Noto Sans", sans-serif;
The "Essential" package contains the minimum Noto Sans fonts to render your page.
This package contains the following fonts:
- NotoSans Regular
- NotoSans Italic
- NotoSans Bold
- NotoSans BoldItalic
The available files are:
- essential package compiled to CSScss/notosans-fontface.min.css
- essential package minified to CSSscss/notosans-fontface.scss
- essential package in SCSSless/notosans-fontface.less
- essential package in LESS
The "All weight" package contains all the normal Noto Sans fonts.
This package contains the following fonts:
- NotoSans Thin
- NotoSans ThinItalic
- NotoSans ExtraLight
- NotoSans ExtraLightItalic
- NotoSans Light
- NotoSans LightItalic
- NotoSans Regular
- NotoSans Italic
- NotoSans Medium
- NotoSans MediumItalic
- NotoSans SemiBold
- NotoSans SemiBoldItalic
- NotoSans Bold
- NotoSans BoldItalic
- NotoSans ExtraBold
- NotoSans ExtraBoldItalic
- NotoSans Black
- NotoSans BlackItalic
The available files are:
- all-weight package compiled to CSScss/notosans-fontface-allweight.min.css
- all-weight package minified to CSSscss/notosans-fontface-allweight.scss
- all-weight package in SCSSless/notosans-fontface-allweight.less
- all-weight package in LESS
It is possible to make your own set of Noto Sans fonts and your own fonts as well by using LESS or SCSS mixins provided in this project,
When you use the fontface
mixin or notosans-fontface
mixin, you need to provide all .eot
, .woff2
, .woff
, .ttf
and .svg
in the configured directory.
About the notosans-fontface
mixin, you can redefine the notosans-fontface-path
// my-website/style.less
@notosans-fontface-path: "fonts/Noto/";
@import "notosans-fontface/less/mixins";
.notosans-fontface("Regular", 400, normal);
.notosans-fontface("Italic", 400, italic);
.notosans-fontface("Bold", 700, normal);
.notosans-fontface("BoldItalic", 700, italic);
.fontface("Noto Sans CJK JP", "fonts/JP/", "NotoSansCJKjp", "Regular", 400, normal);
.fontface("Noto Sans CJK JP", "fonts/JP/", "NotoSansCJKjp", "Bold", 700, normal);
body {
font-family: "Noto Sans", "Noto Sans CJK JP", sans-serif;
// my-website/style.scss
$notosans-fontface-path: "fonts/Noto/";
@import "notosans-fontface/scss/mixins";
@include notosans-fontface("Regular", 400, normal);
@include notosans-fontface("Italic", 400, italic);
@include notosans-fontface("Bold", 700, normal);
@include notosans-fontface("BoldItalic", 700, italic);
@include fontface(
"Noto Sans CJK JP",
@include fontface(
"Noto Sans CJK JP",
body {
font-family: "Noto Sans", "Noto Sans CJK JP", sans-serif;