- You will need to download your Facebook messages history. You can do this by going to Settings → Your Facebook Information → Download Your Information. Deselect everything other than Messages and create the file. Make sure to specify the file type as JSON. This may take up to a few hours to prepare depending on how big the file is.
I recommend you install miniconda. https://docs.conda.io/en/latest/miniconda.html
Once you've installed miniconda, navigate to the wherever you cloned this repo and run the following three commands
$ conda create --name fb --file requirements.txt
$ source activate fb
$ jupyter notebook facebook.ipynb
This should open up the jupyter noteboot. All you need to do now is just run each cell from top to bottom. There will be a cell to fill out your name and some other options.
See this link for setting up a virtual environment. https://uoa-eresearch.github.io/eresearch-cookbook/recipe/2014/11/20/conda/
See this stackoverflow thread for how to use the requirements.txt file. https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7225900/how-to-install-packages-using-pip-according-to-the-requirements-txt-file-from-a