This repo acts as a log for my buildout of my laptop. As I add stuff or change settings, I log it here so pave & restores can go quickly in the future. Feel free to fork & customize to your liking.
More background info: BLOG: Rapid Complete Install / Reinstall OS X Like a Champ in Three-ish Hours
Do the following before paving the partition. This is to get the way I have things configured in the dock & menu bar back the way I want them.
Set up timestamped backup folder, {{PRIVATE_BACKUP}}, OneDrive to copy things
Screenshot all installed apps
Screenshot OneDrive sync'd doclib's from MS Teams & save => {{PRIVATE_BACKUP}}
XCOPY the following => {{PRIVATE_BACKUP}}
NOTE: many of the hidden files & folders are copied as "dot-files"
- review other folders in the root
- Dump list of all repos in
=> {{PRIVATE_BACKUP}}/{{BACKUPDATE}} - Clone all repos (+ upstream remotes) using this script: scripts/repo-gen-clone-script.zsh
- Dump list of all repos in
iStat Menu
- backup settings => {{PRIVATE_BACKUP}}/iStat Menus Settings.ismp
refresh NPM global package install list: ./scripts/npm-install-packages-lts-*.zsh
npm list -g --depth=0
Copy virtual machines => external storage
- export all collections & environments => {{PRIVATE_BACKUP}}/
- log batch export settings to ./AppSettings/Screenflow
Stream Deck
- export & save Stream Deck profiles => {{PRIVATE_BACKUP}}/Stream Deck - {{..}}.streamDeckProfilesBackup
Visual Studio Code
refresh installed extensions install list: ./scripts/vscode-ext-install.zsh
code --list-extensions
backup snippets & user settings to {{PRIVATE_BACKUP}}/VisualStudioCode
- user settings:
~/Library/Application Support/Code/User
- user settings:
have a current Apple TimeMachine backup job finished
screenshots of Finder settings
screenshot MacOS dock
screenshot expanded Bartender MacOS Menu Bar
get list of all apps installed via Homebrew:
brew leaves
Launch each app and sync settings (PUSH) for:
- Media Encoder
- Photoshop
- Premiere Pro
- export saved actions: ./AppSettings/AdobeCreativeCloud/Photoshop
Premiere Pro:
- export custom presets: ./AppSettings/AdobeCreativeCloud/PremierePro
Jump Desktop
export list of VMs => {{PRIVATE_BACKUP}}
Mac App Store apps
refresh list installed MacOS apps: ./scripts/macos-install.zsh
mas list
- restart with ⌘+R
- go to Disk Utility
- select the main drive, then select Erase > Erase Volume Group
- create new ADFS volume
- install MacOS via internet
The following installs & configuration should be done to setup automated installs.
Install Rosetta 2
sudo softwareupdate --install-rosetta
Install Homebrew for automated installs & updates.
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL"
If get error about zsh compinit: insecure directories, run compaudit for list.
, first try to run the following to see if it fixes it:
chmod go-w '/opt/homebrew/share'
chmod -R go-w '/opt/homebrew/share/zsh'
... if the issue persists, do what it says:
$ compaudit
For the folder(s) returned, fix it with:
$ sudo chmod -R 755 {PATH}
curl -L | zsh
Installs ideal shell, prompt, and terminals
NOTE: Monitor the terminal for password prompts & errors/warnings.
run following to install cores
curl -L | zsh
copy the dotfiles & folders (overwriting existing) into home folder
search for any
and replace with correct values -
setup SSH with 1Password for
- 1Password > Settings > Developer & select all options
Install apps using Homebrew.
NOTE: Monitor the terminal for password prompts & errors/warnings.
run following to install cores
curl -L | zsh
Pay attention for extra installs & steps at the end.
- Copy Tailwind theme from
- Launch Warp & login
- Settings > Appearance > Theme, select Dark
- Find and select Tailwind
Install apps from the Apple App Store.
curl -L | zsh
- Amphetamine Enhancer -
- Sophos Home A/V
Three step process:
- Get OneDrive syncing to get access to backups, settings (in OneDrive), licenses & passwords in password manager
- Login, license, install, & configure remaining apps
- login to the following apps
- Google Chrome
- do this first & login to password manager to get licenses
- OneDrive
- do this to get sync running... contains backup files collected before pave
- Google Chrome
- Visual Studio Code
install extensions collected before pave:
curl -L | zsh
copy snippets & settings:
- from ./AppSettings/VisualStudioCode
- to
~/Library/Application Support/Code/User
apply licenses to extensions Quokka & Wallaby
- setup SSH keys
copy backed up
keys from {{PRIVATE_BACKUP}} =>./.ssh
configure SSH keys
# set permission to make my keys private sudo chmod 400 ~/.ssh/id_rsa # configure 'config' folder permissions sudo chmod 600 ~/.ssh/config # add key to SSH agent # + enter passphrase from password manager when prompted ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa # add to keychain ssh-add -K
- Activate power pack within app settings
- Preferences > Advanced: Syncing - set to ./{{PRIVATE-BACKUP}}/Alfred
iStat Settings
- license & restore settings: ./AppSettings/iStat Menus Settings.ismp
Control Center
- Open & configure to launch at login
import shortcuts by opening Safari / Firefox & enter the url in ./AppSettings/
Jump Desktop
- import the machines from export before pave
Microsoft Outlook
- Signature
- get signatures from previous "sends"
- Signature
Microsoft Teams
- license
- create custom batch export profile
- Launch & login
- Disable auto login: Preferences > Interface > [uncheck] Run Steam with my computer starts
Stream Deck
- restore profiles
- install plugins from Stream Deck store:
- Home Assistant
- Phillips Hue
curl -L | zsh
- Open
- For the following folders, select all fonts files, open in macOS' Font Book, & install them:
- AC Handwriting
- Omnes
- Segoe UI MDL2
- Install apps:
- Acrobat DC
- After Effects
- Audition
- Bridge
- Illustrator
- Media Encoder
- Photoshop
- Premiere Pro
- Import settings from the pre-pave section above on Adobe CC apps
- Manually install aescripts + aeplugins manager, login & install plugins
Manage node installs using NVM... this lets me test different versions of node as well as avoid issue with having to use sudo
when installing packages globally.
mkdir ~/.nvm
The following script doesn't work. Something is causing nvm
to not be seen as a valid comment.
Instead, copy the blocks of code from the following installer script file and manually run in the console.
This script installs multiple Node versions:
curl -L | zsh
brew doctor
brew update
brew cleanup
NOTE: This might already be done by copying the hidden ~./.gitconfig.
git config --global "Andrew Connell"
git config --global <insert primary email>
git config --global credential.helper osxkeychain
# set VSCode as commit message editor & merge tool
git config --global core.editor "code -w"
git config --global merge.tool code
Desktop (change these settings by right-click desktop & pick Show View Options)
System Preferences
Mission Control
Internet Accounts
- install / add printers
Security > Privacy
- Activate & enable where necessary
Users & Groups / Login Items
- Clone select repositories from github =>
Run first backups.
to keep Homebrew installed things update, do this:
brew update # download app updated formulas
brew outdated # what's old?
brew upgrade # upgrade everything locally
# list all brew casks installed & their versions
brew cask outdated
brew cask upgrade
# cleanup everything
brew cleanup
update MacOS apps:
mas outdated # what's old
mas upgrade # upgrade everything
update MacOS: ref
softwareupdate --list
# install things based on the name returned using
sudo softwareupdate --install [name listed]