Provide a quick workshop to understand how to use the K8s AC with the Lacework platform.
⚠️ This is not intended for production use as the generated certificates only live in the terraform state file.
- Functioning K8s Cluster
- Active Lacework Account
- Create a Lacework Proxy scanner token
- In your lacework account, enable the Critical CVE (LW_CONTAINER_POLICY_4) and apt-get caches are not cleared in Dockerfile (LW_CONTAINER_POLICY_10) policies and associate them to the proxy scanner you created.
- Run Terraform apply to setup the certs & helm chart for the admission controller + proxy scanner
$ terraform apply -var "account=<youraccount>" -var "int_token=<proxyscannertoken>"
- Validate that the proxy scanner & admission controller is running in your cluster
$ kubectl get pods -n lacework
lacework lacework-admission-controller... Running
lacework lacework-proxy-scanner... Running
- Tail the logs of the admission controller in a separate terminal
$ kubectl logs $(kubectl get pods -n lacework -l app=lacework-admission-controller -o name) -n lacework -f
[INFO]: 2022-05-25 01:24:23 - Starting server..
[INFO]: 2022-05-25 01:24:23 - Listener started..
- While logs are tailing, create a deployment file with an older image of nginx
# deployment.yaml
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: nginx-deployment
app: nginx
replicas: 2
app: nginx
- name: nginx
image: nginx:1.11.9
- containerPort: 80
- Attempt to create the deployment, you should be stopped by the admission controller noting that the image failed the policies you configured in your Lacework tenant.
➜ ~ kubectl apply -f deployment.yaml
Error from server: error when creating "deployment.yaml": admission webhook "" denied the request: Violations the following policies:
LW_CONTAINER_POLICY_10 - apt-get caches are not cleared in Dockerfile - fail on violation: true
LW_CONTAINER_POLICY_4 - Critical CVEs - fail on violation: true
- Enjoy a tasty beverage 🍺