This repo is to aid in setting up and running a dedicate megamek server as a container.
Within the Dockerfile there is a URL for the release you want to build. I will eventually create a variable for the version.
Currently this is built from the following release:
You can build any release by updating the download URL in the Dockerfile.
I am a Linux users so here are the steps I have used to build this container. If you are on some other OS, YMMV.
I am assuming you have Docker installed.
mkdir buildspace; cd buildspace
git clone
cd ../dedicated-megamek-container
docker build --tag megamek:0.46.1 .
We should now have a megamek container built. You can run the container with the following command:
docker run --rm -d -p 2346:2346 megamek:0.46.1
You should now be able to connect to the above dedicate megamek server on localhost or your LAN IP and port 2346