Sketchs and scripts for the Art Screen Workshop. See
Lots of Processing and Art Screen examples. For use during the workshops or by experienced Processing programmmers. Users can download the latest stable version zipped from
A Processing library written for the art screen. Handles setting up the webcam, mirroring sketches for rear-projection, saving frames for documentation, quitting sketches automatically after 60-seconds.
Staging area for experiments and sketches not read to go live yet.
Repository of all the Processing sketches I have uploaded to the Art Screen that are stable and live.
A Java script that handles reading a directory containing Processing sketches and running them in turn. Loops forever.
Video export relies on the Video Export library for Processing.
To export video you need to:
- Install the Video Export library in Processing
- Install ffmpeg
Once you have done the above, run one of their examples. This will generate a default settings.json file, placed in the Video Export folder in your Processing libraries folder.
Update it to the following:
"encode_video": "[ffmpeg] -vsync 0 -use_wallclock_as_timestamps 1 -y -f rawvideo -vcodec rawvideo -s [width]x[height] -pix_fmt rgb24 -re -i - -an -vcodec h264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf [crf] -metadata comment=[comment] [output]",
"encode_audio": "[ffmpeg] -y -i [inputvideo] -i [inputaudio] -filter_complex [1:0]apad -shortest -vcodec copy -acodec aac -b:a [bitrate]k -metadata comment=[comment] -strict -2 [output]",
"ffmpeg_path": "/usr/local/bin/ffmpeg"
The main setting we are changing is insuring that timing of the output video matches a wall-clock. IE, no matter how fast or slow the sketch runs the final video will be 1 minute long.
The make a Sketch record video, place a artscreen-settings.txt file in the data directory of your sketch with the word savevideo on a single line.