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Scripts converting LIT tests from SPIRV-LLVM-Translator format to LLVM-SPIRV-Backend format

Description / Introduction

This is a set of Python+Bash scripts for half-automated process of conversion lit tests from SPIRV-LLVM-Translator's format to LLVM-SPIRV-Backend's one, i.e. for automatization and simplifying most routine operations.

It's not ideal nor perfect, because some transformations cannot be converted automatically (and several shouldn't be, for one or another reason), so:

Note: After running scripts on a test, the resulting test should be checked, reviewed and fixed manually
(if necessary).

Moreover, it's not full, i.e. does not contain every instruction from SPIR-V's ISA nor every possible values of its parameters - but only that ones, that occurred in accepted lit tests (i.e. tests that are present both in SPIRV-LLVM-Translator's and LLVM-SPIRV-Backend's repositories).

So, if new test is to be added with "new" instruction(s)/parameter(s), script should be extended. (See Extension below.)


Basically, to convert LLVM lit test from SPIRV-LLVM-Translator's format to LLVM-SPIRV-Backend's, following steps should be done (managed by main script):

  1. If source lit test is OpenCL (.cl), at first obtain lit test in LLVM (.ll) format:
    • 0.1. ./
      --- get options to be passed to clang.
    • 0.2. clang -cc1 -nostdsysteminc -triple spir -cl-std=CL2.0 ... -finclude-default-header -emit-llvm
      --- compile source .cl file (using parameters obtained in previous step) and generate LLVM IR file (.ll).
    • 0.3. ./ >
      --- make all OpenCL code as comments, convert all C-style comments (//) to LLVM-style (;) and remove RUN: %clang_cc1 lit command.
    • 0.4. Combine two files test.ll and, obtained in previous steps, into one test.ll.
  2. ./ test.bak.ll > test.bak1.ll
    --- change target triple from, e.g., spir-unknown-unknown to spirv32-unknown-unknown, or spir64 to spirv64-unknown-unknown (without this it won't be compiled by llc ).
  3. ./ test.bak1.ll > test.bak2.ll
    --- search for llvm-spirv -spirv-text/-to-text and corresponding FileCheck "RUN" lit commands ("LLVM => SPIR-V" direction only, text format only, no extensions, etc), replace all RUNs with single
    RUN: llc -O0 %s -o - | FileCheck %s [...],
    collect list of "good" FileCheck's prefixes (e.g. CHECK or CHECK-SPIRV), which should be left in the test, and list of "bad" prefixes (e.g. CHECK-LLVM, CHECK-SPV-IR), and remove latter form the test, because its won't be accepted by in the next step.
    • Note 1. prints on stderr accepted llvm-spirv's and FileCheck's commands and "good" and "bad" lists (latter denoted with ' ! '). If "good" list (accepted FileCheck's prefixes) is empty, it returns non-zero exit code and empty stdout.
    • Note 2. In some rare cases, when prefix falls into both "good" and "bad" lists, or when prefix from one list starts with prefix from another (e.g. "good" CHECK-SPIRV and "bad" CHECK-SPIRV-EXT or CHECK-SPV and CHECK-SPV-FPGA_REG), leaves these FileCheck's prefixes in the test for the greater good. The resulting test should be reviewed more carefully and unwanted FileCheck's commands removed manually (if decided). But usually removes its automatically. This is not a bug, this is a feature. :-)
  4. ./ test.bak2.ll > test.ll
    --- core conversion script --- process all remaining FileCheck's commands, parse SPIR-V instructions, change its' syntax (extract destination parameter (if any) and move it to left side of assignment) and format (add % to id parameters and convert literal parameters to corresponding symbolic names, if necessary), etc.
    • Note. prints on stderr all FileCheck's commands that it could not convert (not SPIR-V instruction or wrong format, new unknown SPIR-V instruction, etc...) and returns non-zero exit code, because this test highly likely won't be passed by llvm-lit in final step. Keep an eye on stderr to avoid following nuisances.

Besides, for debugging purposes and convenience of comparison of source and target lit tests and corresponding SPIR-V codes, executes following actions:

  • llvm-as test.bak.ll
    --- built from llvm-project/SPIRV-LLVM-Translator's repository --- compile LLVM text IR to LLVM bitcode (.bc).
  • llvm-spirv -spirv-text test.bak.bc
    --- built from SPIRV-LLVM-Translator's repository --- convert LLVM bitcode to SPIR-V in an internal Translator's textual format (.spt, checked in source lit test).
  • llc -O0 test.ll
    --- built from LLVM-SPIRV-Backend's repository --- compile LLVM text IR (with converted lit commands and SPIR-V instructions) to SPIR-V assembler (.s, checked in target lit test).
  • llvm-lit -a test.ll
    --- built from LLVM-SPIRV-Backend's repository --- if all steps above completed successfully, finally run lit test.

Note. All italicized parameters/substrings above are given as examples and could vary.


Since invokes many tools, in order to execute its, run and check test rather than simply blindly convert it, repositories should be not only checkout, but also built as well:

  • For convenience put all SPIR-V things in one base directory, e.g. ~/spirv:
mkdir ~/spirv && cd ~/spirv
git clone
cd llvm-project/llvm/projects
git clone
cd ../.. && mkdir build && cd build
cmake -G Ninja ../llvm -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang"
# make llvm-spirv -j`nproc`
cmake --build . -- check-llvm-spirv
cd ~/spirv
git clone
cd LLVM-SPIRV-Backend && mkdir build && cd build
cmake --build . -- FileCheck count llvm-as llvm-config llvm-dis not clang llc llvm-dwarfdump llvm-objdump llvm-readelf
cd ..
build/bin/llvm-lit llvm/test/CodeGen/SPIRV

(Note. If you have no .cl tests, you can exclude clang from -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS and cmake --build and use clang from llvm-project/SPIRV-LLVM-Translator's repository.)


Download,,,,, to LLVM-SPIRV-Backend's test directory, for example. Or in some of it's subdirectories. Or in SPIRV-LLVM-Translator's test (sub)directory, if it is conveniently. In general, scripts can be placed anywhere, but its all should reside in the same directory. And outside of test directory relative test paths are not supported, so use full absolute file names in that case. So, taking into account that its create new and modify .ll files, the most convenient place for its is LLVM-SPIRV-Backend's test directory. In this case, relative short test names are supported as well.

Open in text editor and change SPIRV_HOME's value in first line of code, if you place all your SPIR-V things in different directory rather than ~/spirv (alternatively, you can pass SPIRV_HOME environment variable before running Also check other paths in heading of script and fix, if its don't match with yours.


Having changed working directory to LLVM-SPIRV-Backend/llvm/test/CodeGen/SPIRV and downloaded scripts here, simply type, for example:



./ transcoding/OpMin.ll

You can also specify full absolute path to test (source or target - no matter, it will be taken from SPIRV-LLVM-Translator's test directory anyway):

./ /home/user/spirv/llvm-project/llvm/projects/SPIRV-LLVM-Translator/test/transcoding/OpMin.ll
./ /home/user/spirv/LLVM-SPIRV-Backend/llvm/test/CodeGen/SPIRV/transcoding/OpMin.ll

If your paths are different from default and you don't want to change SPIRV_HOME environment variable in script, alternatively, you can pass it from command line, e.g.:

SPIRV_HOME="/home/user/spirv" ./ transcoding/OpMin.ll

If test didn't passed or llvm-lit didn't run at all and you get on stderr lines with ; CHECK...: ... lit's commands (for e.g., as in ./ simple.ll), you have to manually fix the test (e.g., by removing extra CHECKs that are not SPIR-V instructions) or extend otherwise.


There is possibility not to run all of the steps mentioned above, but only selected ones, or switch off some steps, or start from specified step.
To run only one specified step, pass any of cl, spt, tri, strip, synt, llc, lit additional parameter next after file name, e.g.:

./ select.ll tri

will copy source lit test from SPIRV-LLVM-Translator and launch only script.
Then, to continue to process all remaining phases, pass next step as additional parameter with extra symbol at the end (e.g., .):

./ select.ll strip.

(This available only for tri., strip., synt. and llc. stages.)
This "step's enabling" parameter (if any) should be first additional one (next after file name) and before "steps' disabling" parameter(s) (if any).
To disable executing one or more steps, specify it with prepending - symbol, e.g. to switch off generating unneeded source and target assembler files (.spt and .s):

./ select.ll -spt -llc

"Enabling" and "disabling" parameters can be combined, but "enabling" first, e.g.:

./ select.ll strip. -llc -lit

There is possibility to run converted .cl lit test in its source .cl format rather that in .ll one:

./ cl
./ lit

Error codes

If any of invoked tools or scripts is failed, returns corresponding error code.
In addition, it returns 3 if .bak file for given test is detected (i.e., test is already processed, so, to convert test again simply delete that .bak);
and 2 is also returned by if test is unaccepted (only CHECKs for "SPIR-V => LLVM" direction, or some extension is used, etc). In this case displaying the list of rejected CHECKs on stderr is turned off (for simplifying of generating the list of accepted only tests), but this behavior can easily be changed by moving condition if len(Checks_OK) ? 0: to sys.exit(2) in script.


There is no single word to describe it. Some knowledge of SPIR-V's ISA, SPIRV-LLVM-Translator's internal textual format, how LLVM-SPIRV-Backend's assembler should look like, syntax of llvm-lit's CHECK commands and of course understanding of implementation of is required. So, it's better to ask the author to add new instruction(s).
But in general, at first find this new instruction in SPIR-V's ISA and figure out at which position it's destination parameter is. There can be no destination at all (e.g., OpBranch), or at first parameter (mostly, various types, e.g., OpTypeBool) or, most common case, at second parameter (e.g., OpFAdd - see underlined Result <id>). Then add this instruction (without Op prefix) somewhere to DEST0, DEST1 or DEST2 list correspondingly at the beginning of script. If all of the parameters of instruction are ids (i.e., should be preceded with %, as in OpFAdd), that's all - the work is done.
Otherwise, an exception from common converting rule should be programmed for this instruction (or latter should be added to existing one). For example, if instruction has Literal parameter(s) (e.g., OpName), it should be added to LIT map with specifying its position(s) (n counting from 1, but starting next to destination Result <id> parameter) closer to the bottom of script. If parameter has "named" type (e.g., Memory_Operands in OpLoad), then the instruction should be added to corresponding id_number-to-name map (existing, if any, or created new one). Moreover, additional care about possible parameter's values should be taken: if there is no such value(s), it should be added too.


Idea, implementation, documentation, manual && (half-)automated conversion of tests:
Andrey Tretyakov for Intel, © late 2021-2022.


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