XOAuth2 token generation with node.js
npm install xoauth2 --save
xoauth2 generates XOAUTH2 login tokens from provided Client and User credentials.
Use xoauth2.createXOAuth2Generator(options)
to initialize Token Generator
Possible options values:
- user (Required) User e-mail address
- accessUrl (Optional) Endpoint for token generation (defaults to https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token)
- clientId (Required) Client ID value
- clientSecret (Required) Client secret value
- refreshToken (Required) Refresh token for an user
- accessToken (Optional) initial access token. If not set, a new one will be generated
- timeout (Optional) TTL in seconds
- customHeaders (Optional) custom headers to send during token generation request yahoo requires
Authorization: Basic Base64(clientId:clientSecret)
- customParams (Optional) custom payload to send on getToken request yahoo requires redirect_uri to be specified
See https://developers.google.com/identity/protocols/OAuth2WebServer#offline for generating the required credentials
For Google service account the option values are:
- service (Required) Service account email.
- user (Required) User e-mail address
- scope (Required) OAuth2 scope.
- privateKey (Required) Private key issued for the service account in PEM format, as a string.
- serviceRequestTimeout (Optional) Expiration value to use in the token request in seconds. Maximum is 3600.
- accessUrl (Optional) Endpoint for token generation (defaults to https://accounts.google.com/o/oauth2/token)
- accessToken (Optional) initial access token. If not set, a new one will be generated
- timeout (Optional) TTL in seconds
- customHeaders (Optional) custom headers to send during token generation request
- customParams (Optional) custom payload to send on getToken request
Use xoauth2obj.getToken(callback)
to get an access token. If a cached token is found and it should not be expired yet, the cached value will be used.
Use xoauth2obj.generateToken(callback)
to get an access token. Cache will not be used and a new token is generated.
Use xoauth2obj.updateToken(accessToken, timeout)
to set the new value for the xoauth2 access token. This function emits 'token'
If a new token value has been set, 'token'
event is emitted.
xoauth2obj.on("token", function(token){
console.log("User: ", token.user); // e-mail address
console.log("New access token: ", token.accessToken);
console.log("New access token timeout: ", token.timeout); // TTL in seconds
var xoauth2 = require("xoauth2"),
xoauth2gen = xoauth2.createXOAuth2Generator({
user: "user@gmail.com",
clientId: "{Client ID}",
clientSecret: "{Client Secret}",
refreshToken: "{User Refresh Token}",
customHeaders: {
"HeaderName": "HeaderValue"
customPayload: {
"payloadParamName": "payloadValue"
// ... or for a Google service account
xoauth2gen = xoauth2.createXOAuth2Generator({
user: "user@gmail.com",
service: '{Service Email Address}',
scope: 'https://mail.google.com/',
privateKey: '{Private Key in PEM format}'
xoauth2gen.getToken(function(err, token){
return console.log(err);
console.log("AUTH XOAUTH2 " + token);
xoauth2gen.getToken(function(err, token, accessToken){
return console.log(err);
console.log("Authorization: Bearer " + accessToken);