Adform brings brand advertising to the programmatic era at scale, making display advertising simple, relevant and rewarding!
Basic integrations
- Integrating Inline Ad
- Integrating Full Screen Overlay Ad
- Integrating Adhesion Ad
- Integrating Interstitial Ad
- Integrating Video Ad
Advanced integrations
- Advanced Inline Ad Integration
- Integrating Inline Ads in UITableView
- Advanced Full Screen Overlay Ad Integration
- Advanced Interstitial Ad Integration
- Instream Video Ads
- Adding Custom Values
- Adding Keywords
- Adding Key Value Pairs
- Adding Search Words
- Location Tracking
- Security
- Ad Tags
- Header bidding
Mediation adapters
This part lists release notes from all versions of Adform Mobile Advertising iOS SDK.
- WKWebView support. We have changed SDK to use WKWebView to render HTML banners. WKWebView is used by default on iOS 8+ and UIWebView is used on older iOS versions. If you prefer to use the old UIWebView even on newer iSO versions, you can do this by setting web view type parameter on AdformSDK class.
Don't forget to add new dependencies to your project if you are updating our SDK from older version or start using cocoapods.
- WebKit.framework
- Added Search Words support.
- Fixed AFADInterstitial interaction issues.
- It is now possible to define multiple key value pairs with the same key for all banners.
The new SDK version uses different method for setting key values to a banner. Therefore, if you were setting key values to banners using older sdk you need to update it. You can use two methods to do it:
- Create an NSArray with AFKeyValue objects and set it to the banner.
- Use "AFKeyValuesFromNSDictionary()" function to convert a NSDictionary with key values that you used to set to the banner, to NSArray with AFKeyValue objects and set it to the banner.
You can find an example here.
- With the rollout of iOS 10, the App Store’s privacy policy requires apps to provide a usage description when attempting to access privacy-sensitive data, such as a user’s calendar. To comply with the App Store privacy changes, we removed support for the mraid.createCalendarEvent() and mraid.storePicture() methods.
- Added video ads support in AdOverlay type;
- Added iOS 10 support;
- Instream ad support;
- Included Adform Header Bidding SDK v.1.0;
- Add additional 'price' and 'customData' parameters to ad views for header bidding support.
- Minor bug fixes;
- Added an option to AdHesion ads to enable close button. By default it is disabled.
- Added autohide feature to AdHesion ads. If enabled, AdHesion ad will hide when user interacts wit the application and reveal itself when the interaction ends.
- Minnor bug fixes.
- Smart ad size feature - now ad views can dynamically adapt to multiple screen sizes when used with smart ad size. For more details check Smart ad size.
- Ad tag support - now ad views can load html or url ad tags provided by developer. For more details check Ad Tags.
- MRAID viewable percentage support - now MRAID banners may listen for viewablePercentageChange event or use getViewablePercentage() method to know how much of the creative is viewable.
- Minnor bug fixes.
- Fixed a bug where ads were not loading on iOS 6 and 7.
- Multiple sizes support.
- Mraid resize function.
- HTTPS control.
- Minor bug fixes.
- Fixes Xcode 7 warnings
- Adds ability to choose how to open external links
- iOS 9 compatibility update
- Video Ads Support (VAST compatible)
- Targeting by Keywords and Key Values added
- Bug Fixes
- 3rd Party Ads Support
- Bug Fixes
- New formats introduced: Adhesion, Overlay and Interstitial;
- Open RTB protocol support;
- Performance improvements;
Don't forget to add new dependencies to your project if you are updating our SDK from older version or start using cocoapods.
- CoreLocation.framework
- Added interstitial ads animation control;
- Added interstitial ads support;
Don't forget to add new dependencies to your project if you are updating our SDK from 0.1.x version.
- EventKit.framework
- EventKitUI.framework
- MediaPlayer.framework
- CoreTelephony.framework
- Added refresh Rate override option;
- Added AFBannerViewDelegate protocol;
- NewRelic library made as optional;
- First release;