This GitHub project hosts two somewhat distinct projects:
- AndroidX Test libraries
- Bazel support for android_instrumentation_test
The AndroidX Test Library provides an extensive framework for testing Android apps. This library provides a set of APIs that allow you to quickly build and run test code for your apps, including JUnit 4 and functional user interface (UI) tests. You can run tests created using these APIs from the Android Studio IDE or from the command line.
For more details see
The following maven libraries are hosted in this repo:
androidx.test:annotation androidx.test:core androidx.test.espresso* androidx.test.ext:junit androidx.test:orchestrator androidx.test:runner androidx.test:rules androidx.test:services
androidx.test.uiautomator and androidx.test:ext:junit-gtest are hosted on AOSP
We use the GitHub issue tracker for tracking feature requests and bugs.
Please see the AndroidX Test Discuss mailing list for general questions and discussion, and please direct specific questions to Stack Overflow. is the canonical source for release notes, and for release artifacts and source snapshots.
To depend on this repository in Bazel, add the following snippet to your WORKSPACE file:
ATS_TAG = "<release-tag>"
name = "android_test_support",
sha256 = "<sha256 of release>",
strip_prefix = "android-test-%s" % ATS_TAG,
urls = ["" % ATS_TAG],
load("@android_test_support//:repo.bzl", "android_test_repositories")