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Andy Dunstall edited this page Jul 17, 2024 · 1 revision


Piko consists of a single piko binary for both the server and agent, using piko server and piko agent respectively.

Download the binary

Visit the releases page (under 'Assets') to download the Piko binary for your architecture and host.

For convenience you can rename the downloaded binary to piko and place it into your PATH, such as /usr/bin/piko or /usr/local/bin/piko.

Run piko -h to verify the installation was successful.

Build from source

Building Piko from source requires Go 1.22 or higher.

Start by cloning the Piko repository from GitHub:

git clone
cd piko

Then build the piko binary with make piko, which outputs the binary to bin/piko.

You can also build the Docker image with make image.

Run piko -h to verify the installation was successful.


Visit the packages page to see the available Docker images. Each image is tagged with latest and the Piko version:

# Latest version.
docker pull

# v0.6.0
docker pull

Run docker run to verify the installation was successful.