This will setup a cluster containing an Opencenter Server, 2 Opencenter Clients and an Opencenter Dashboard server. You can use the individual scripts to install the components on servers rather than creating the whole cluster.
./ <Cluster-Name> <Number of Clients> [--packages] [--network(=<CIDR>)]
- Number of Clients defaults to 2 if left unspecified
- If you are using opencenter-client locally you can set your endpoint: export OPENCENTER_ENDPOINT=http://:8080
- --packages will install from packages instead of github repos, not for Dev work.
- To use CentOS - export IMAGE_TYPE="CentOS 6.3"
- --network will create a private network for the cluster defaulting to
- network range can be specified as a CIDR by using --network=
- --network will require nova with "network-create" functionality
- Nova client installed and working with cloud, specifically returning network information, for Rackspace cloud see:
- NB: You may need an updated version of nova-client, to ensure network information is appropriately returned.
- Either of these:
- supernova configured and an environment variable exported NOVA="supernova your-env"
- nova env variables set in ~/csrc.
- Up to date versions of bash & sed - this may require updating on OSX
- ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file exists, containing your key.
- ~/.ssh/id_github file exists, containing your github key:
curl -L "" | bash -s [server | agent | dashboard] <SERVER IP>
Defaults to "agent"
- NB This doesn't have the same pre-requisites Wiping the Cluster
./utils/ <Cluster-Name>
This will remove all cloud servers in the cluster and delete the specific logs in /tmp
From within "opencenter", "opencenter-agent", "opencenter-client", "opencenter-dashboard" directories on your local laptop/desktop you can push updates and have the services restart automaticallyL
./utils/ <Cluster-Name> <repo> <repo path>
<repo> defaults to "opencenter-all" which will include opencenter/opencenter-agent/opencenter-client
<repo> possible options: [opencenter-all | opencenter | opencenter-client | opencenter-agent | opencenter-dashboard]
<repo path> can be left blank if you are within one of the directories, otherwise specify the path
This should show the last 1K of the task logs, updating every 10 seconds. ./utils/ <task_id>
If something failed during the setup of the node and you want to re-run the setup script without waiting for new instances to spin up, then set RERUN=true before running with the same prefix as used initially.
export RERUN=true
./ <Cluster-Name>
./utils/ <cloud dns domain> <path to pyrax config file> <opencenter cluster prefix>
The DNS names execlude the cluster prefixes so that they stay consistent when you build a new cluster.
For example:
(default27)MK63HADV33:utils hugh3869$ python ~/.pyrax.cfg dev1 A A A A
Pyrax config file example:
identity_type = rackspace
region = LON
username = <your username>
api_key = <your api key>