hello! here's a little about me:
inspired by natemoo-re
luckily being good at chess wasn't a pre-req to the job
hello! here's a little about me:
inspired by natemoo-re
luckily being good at chess wasn't a pre-req to the job
1st place OSU Winter Hackathon 2022. Uses t-SNE to generate a 3D map of your Spotify library based on audio feature similarities.
Chess.com public data API wrapper with "isChanged" and priority queue functionality.
Flocking simulation animating to your current Spotify playback. Utilizes Spotify's Web Playback SDK to serve as a device you can music cast to.
JavaScript 2
Sit back and watch the bot water your crops using A* and TSP Greedy.
Fully functioning 8-Ball Pool Minigame within Stardew Valley. Play with multiplayer friends, or against NPCs!
C# 2