Using OCI Cloud Shell and OCI CLI a to create an Oracle Cloud Developer Image. Note that all the output variables are obfuscated for security reasons.
As we are deploying a VM and need access to the VM we need SSH keys and there are three options tht can be used
- Create keys in Cloud Shell following this documentation:
- Copy your current key to the Cloud Shell. The easiest way to do this is to open a vi session and copy paste between screens.
- Use Object Storage (Pre-AUth not Public) to move the keys between your environment and Cloud Shell
andy_tael@cloudshell:~ (us-ashburn-1)$ git clone
Cloning into 'oci_cs_devimage'...
remote: Enumerating objects: 128, done.
remote: Counting objects: 100% (128/128), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (89/89), done.
remote: Total 128 (delta 77), reused 87 (delta 38), pack-reused 0
Receiving objects: 100% (128/128), 14.57 KiB | 0 bytes/s, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (77/77), done.
cd into the oci_cs_devimage directory
andy_tael@cloudshell:~ (us-ashburn-1)$ cd oci_cs_devimage/
andy_tael@cloudshell:oci_cs_devimage (us-ashburn-1)$
export vcn_name="TestVCN" # Name of the VCN where the instance will live
export subnet_name="Public Subnet-TestVCN" # Name of the Public Subnet
export image_name="Oracle Cloud Developer Image" # Name of the Marketplace Image
export shape="VM.Standard.E2.1.Micro" # Shape to use with the Image (This is the Free version)
export comp_name="TestCompartment" # Which compartment
export instance_name=${image_name} # Name of the instane
export bucket_name="MyBucket" # Name of the Object Storaget bucket
export public_key="/home/andy_tael/.ssh/" # Path to the SSH Public Key
export private_key="/home/andy_tael/.ssh/id_rsa" # Path to the SSH Private Key
andy_tael@cloudshell:oci_cs_devimage (us-ashburn-1)$ source
Make sure all vars are set!!!
Compartment OCID: ocid1.compartment...
OCID VCN: ocid1.vcn.oc1...
OCID Subnet: ocid1.subnet...
AD Name: ....:US-ASHBURN-AD-1
Shape Name: VM.Standard.E2.1.Micro
Namespace: iduxztbq....
andy_tael@cloudshell:oci_cs_devimage (us-ashburn-1)$
andy_tael@cloudshell:oci_cs_devimage (us-ashburn-1)$ source
PIC Listing: ocid1.appcataloglisting.oc1... Oracle Cloud Developer Image
OCID Listing: ocid1.appcataloglisting.oc1...
Display Name: Oracle Cloud Developer Image
andy_tael@cloudshell:oci_cs_devimage (us-ashburn-1)$
andy_tael@cloudshell:oci_cs_devimage (us-ashburn-1)$ source
Version List: Oracle_Cloud_Developer_Image_19.11 ocid1.image.oc1...
Image Version: Oracle_Cloud_Developer_Image_19.11
OCID Image: ocid1.image.oc1...
andy_tael@cloudshell:oci_cs_devimage (us-ashburn-1)$
andy_tael@cloudshell:oci_cs_devimage (us-ashburn-1)$ source
Agreement : fa771f612129bb9019965af32235ef5e7603621dbdb0d... 2020-03-26T20:33:20.089000+00:00
andy_tael@cloudshell:oci_cs_devimage (us-ashburn-1)$
andy_tael@cloudshell:oci_cs_devimage (us-ashburn-1)$ source
OCID Listing: ocid1.appcataloglisting.oc1...
Subscription: ocid1.appcataloglisting.oc1...
andy_tael@cloudshell:oci_cs_devimage (us-ashburn-1)$
andy_tael@cloudshell:oci_cs_devimage (us-ashburn-1)$ source
ssh -i ~/.ssh/id_rsa opc@xx.xx.xx.xx