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Andy Till edited this page Aug 13, 2017 · 4 revisions

erlyberly does not issue binary releases, please compile from master to get the latest features and bug fixes. This is easy with the one step build. You will need JDK 8u20 or higher installed to run erlyberly, download it here.

Now, git clone the repo:

git clone

cd into the erlyberly repo directory and run:

./mvnw clean compile install assembly:single

This will install dependencies locally and build the runnable jar, run erlyberly:

java -jar target/erlyberly-<version>-runnable.jar

Make sure to run the jar marked runnable, this has all it's dependencies included to make it portable. Otherwise ClassNotFoundException will be thrown. If the jar wasn't compiled from a tag it will have SNAPSHOT in the jar name.

Compiling for dev work

To recompile erlyberly.erl or java source after modifications but not recreate the jar:

./mvnw compile

Note usage of ./mvnw. erlyberly uses maven-wrapper so that maven does not need to be installed to compile.

Creating a tag

If you have admin rights on the repo:

./mvnw release:prepare

The tag name should be the tag version. The new development tag should be an incremented version prepended with -SNAPSHOT.

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