A research work that a) contributes in annotating Altmetrics dataset across five different disciplines b) perform sentiment analysis using various machine learning and natural language processing-based algorithms, c) propose which model performs the best and d) provides a python library for sentiment analysis of Altmetrics dataset chosing the best moedel. At first, we build a set of guidelines for annotation of the tweets related to scientific literature being discussed on social media with two human coders that annotate the data with an agreement of 0.86. Then we run the same set of experiments on two versions of the dataset: one with tweets in English and the other with tweets in multiple languages. Using a subset of tweets on 300 papers indexed in Web of Science, we show the effectiveness of employed machine learning and natural language processing models by comparing with well-known sentiment analysis model i.e. SentiStrength and Sentiment140, as baseline. We show that Support Vector Machine with unigram outperforms all other employed classifiers and baseline methods, with an accuracy of over 85%, followed by Logistic Regression with 83% accuracy and Naïve Bayes with 80%. The precision, recall and F1 scores for Support Vector Machine, Logistic Regression and Naïve Bayes were (0.89, 0.86, 0.86), (0.86, 0.83, 0.80) and (0.85, 0.81, 0.76), respectively.
The library is basic flask application for sentiment analysis of Altmetrics dataset using SVM based model. We have also provided it as a docker container that can setup the environment for you to use the API following the instructions below.
You must have docker installed and running on your system. (See. https://docs.docker.com/docker-for-mac/install/)
Run the following commands to use the container
* pull latest image
docker pull mscs16029/sentialtmetrics
* run docker image
docker run -d -p 5000:5000 mscs16029/sentialtmetrics:latest
* pip install flask (see how to create Flask app https://flask.palletsprojects.com/en/1.1.x/installation/)
* export FLASK_APP=sentialtmetrics.py
* flask run
Running on
Access the API endpoint
params: data (JSON array)
Hit the REST API using any http client like postman, curl or your code written in java/scala, php, python etc.
curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST -d '{"data": ["sigh When a science acronym is too distracting to even read the science! LOL http://t.co/p2OFAgnuwv @InvaderXan","you raise test scor even iq test practic test skill you lower test scor chang test", "world best acronym", "ild gudgeon gobio gobio french river contaminat microplastic preliminary study first evidence"]}' http://localhost:5000/classifyaltmetrics
["*sigh* When a science acronym is too distracting to even read the science! LOL http://t.co/p2OFAgnuwv @InvaderXan",
"you raise test scor even iq test practic test skill you lower test scor chang test",
"world best acronym",
"ild gudgeon gobio gobio french river contaminat microplastic preliminary study first evidence"]}
[{"text": "*sigh* When a science acronym is too distracting to even read the science! LOL http://t.co/p2OFAgnuwv @InvaderXan", "sentiment": "negative"},
{"text": "you raise test scor even iq test practic test skill you lower test scor chang test", "sentiment": "postive"},
{"text": "world best acronym", "sentiment": "negative"},
{"text": "ild gudgeon gobio gobio french river contaminat microplastic preliminary study first evidence", "sentiment": "postive"}]