This repository contains the implementations proposed in the paper ``Multi-output Gaussian processes with functional data: A study on coastal flood hazard assessment'' [1]. Both Python and R codes are provided based on the GPflow library [2] and the kergp package [3] (respectively).
[1] López-Lopera, A. F., Idier, D., Rohmer, R., and Bachoc, F. (2020). Multi-output Gaussian processes with functional data: A study on coastal flood hazard assessment. ArXiv E-Prints.
[2] Matthews, A. G. d. G., Van der Wilk, M., Nickson, T., Fujii, K., Boukouvalas, A., León-Villagrá, P., Ghahramani, Z., and Hensman, J. (2017). GPflow: A Gaussian process library using TensorFlow. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 18(40):1–6.
[3] Deville, Y., Ginsbourger, D., and Roustant, O. (2019). kergp: Gaussian Process Laboratory. R package version 0.5.0.