Search and explore movies! Find movies that match your search, and view specific information on movies.
These instructions will get you a copy of this project on your local machine up and running for development and testing purposes.
- git clone
- npm install
- create .env file in root folder
- npm run start:dev
Create a .env file in the root directory. Open the .env file and include the following:
PORT=<insert your port number here>
MOVIEDB_API_KEY=<insert your The Movie Database API key here>
- axios: ^0.18.0,
- body-parser: ^1.18.3,
- dotenv: ^6.2.0,
- express: ^4.16.4,
- prop-types: "^15.6.2",
- react: ^16.7.0,
- react-dom: ^16.7.0,
- react-hot-loader: ^4.6.3,
- react-router-dom: ^4.3.1
- @babel/cli: ^7.2.3,
- @babel/core: ^7.2.2,
- @babel/node: ^7.2.2,
- @babel/preset-env: ^7.3.1,
- @babel/preset-react: ^7.0.0,
- babel-loader: ^8.0.5,
- eslint: ^5.12.1,
- eslint-config-airbnb: ^17.1.0,
- eslint-plugin-import: ^2.15.0,
- eslint-plugin-jsx-a11y: ^6.2.0,
- eslint-plugin-react: ^7.12.4,
- nodemon: ^1.18.9,
- uglifyjs-webpack-plugin: ^2.1.1,
- webpack: ^4.29.0,
- webpack-cli: ^3.2.1,
- webpack-dev-middleware: ^3.5.1,
- webpack-hot-middleware: ^2.24.3