Assignment for first lab of the Data-Intensive Computing course of the EIT Digital data science master at KTH
This project aims to read a record of users from an XML file stored in HDFS, execute a MapReduce job that calculates the top ten users in the list with more reputation, and store the output in an HBase table. In addition, there are extra excercises (guided by the professor) in the notebooks folder.
First of all, in the driver class, the Hadoop configuration with HBase resources is created. After this, we create a new Job with no particular Cluster, a given configuration, and a jobName "Top ten", setting TopTen class as jar class to submit the job to the Resource Manager.
In order to specify the input to the map class, we made use of FileInputFormat. This class validates the input-specification of the job and splits up input files into logical splits that would be assigned to an individual mapper. In this case, as the file size is lower than 128MB, there will only be one split.
Once the input is specified we set the Mapper for the job, its output key class, and value class (matching the output types from TopTenMapper class).
The mapper class receives the data from the users.xml, parses it and stores it into a local HashMap the properties 'id' and 'reputation' of each valid user. We decided to use HashMap instead of the proposed TreeMap to avoid the extra computation of sorting the results by the property 'id', as in this case it is not required, only the column reputation should be sorted eventually. If instead of id, reputation added as the key for TreeMap, the sorting would already be done, however, two users that have the same reputation would not appear in the results, as TreeMap keys must be unique.
In order to output the records from the mapper in a serializable way, we added the user id separated by a dash to the user reputation, resulting in texts like '-'. This allows us to send texts to the reducer more efficiently and not the Map object.
First, as proposed in the assignment description, we are setting to one the number of 'reduce' tasks for this job with the 'setNumReduceTasks' method. This is done to avoid distributing our input into multiple reducers and having different top-ten results. Instead, we do everything in one cluster and one reducer. Then, the HBase dependency jars, as well as jars for any of the configured job classes, are added to the job configuration, so the job can ship them to the cluster. Finally, we use TableMapReduceUtil to specify to the reducer that the output should be to an HBase Table.
Inside the reducer, we just iterated over the records received, parsing them back and inserting them into the HBase table as specified in the assignment.
// Create a row and insert two columns, one with the value of the user id and other one with user reputation
Put outputTableRow = new Put(outputTableRowName.getBytes());
outputTableRow.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes(COLUMN_FAMILY), Bytes.toBytes("id"), Bytes.toBytes(userRecordParsed[0]));
outputTableRow.addColumn(Bytes.toBytes(COLUMN_FAMILY), Bytes.toBytes("rep"), Bytes.toBytes(userRecordParsed[1]));
context.write(NullWritable.get(), outputTableRow);
In order to compile the program the commands needed are
Start necessary services
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hdfs --daemon start namenode
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hdfs --daemon start datanode
Create the HBase table topten with one column family info to store the id and reputation of users.
$HBASE_HOME/bin/hbase shell
[Inside hbase shell] create ’topten’, ’info’
Set necessary environment variables
export HADOOP_CLASSPATH=$($HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop classpath)
export HBASE_CLASSPATH=$($HBASE_HOME/bin/hbase classpath)
Compile the program
javac -cp $HADOOP_CLASSPATH -d output src/main/java/
Generate the jar using the files in the previously compiled folder
jar -cvf topten.jar -C output.
Execute the program passing as first argument the hdfs path where users.xml is and the HBase table name:
$HADOOP_HOME/bin/hadoop jar topten.jar TopTen <HDFS_PATH>/users.xml topten
After running the program and scanning the table 'topten' the results are the following:
- Serghei Socolovschi
- Angel Igareta