This repo provides pipeline, R code and other materials, used in the manuscript titled:
Inter- and intra-annual bacterioplankton community patterns in a deepwater sub-Arctic region: persistent high background abundance of putative oil degraders
Angelina G. Angelova1, Barbara Berx2, Eileen Bresnan2, Samantha B. Joye3, Andrew Free4, Tony Gutierrez1
A 16S-based analysis (V3-V4 rRNA gene region) of microbial communities found in the water column of the Faroe-Shetland Channel (FSC)
Information about files provided:
All files starting with DB are the SINTAX-formated database files used for assigning taxonomy.
DB_ncbi16S.fasta was used for the FSC baseline taxonomic assignment. The rest of the provided are supplemental.
pipeline.txt file provides the general structure of the bioinformatics pipeline
zASV_OTUtab-nonchim.txt = the ASV counts table produced by VSEARCH after chimera removal
zASV_TAXtab-nonchim.txt = the TAXONOMY asignments for each ASV (Its been cleaned with: cut -f1,3 -d "\t" | sed 's/;*\t/\t/g' )
zASV_SEQfa-nonchim.txt = the fasta file of the nonchimeric ASV sequences
SampleMapping.xlsx file contains the "everything" metadata file
metadataR.txt is a shorter version of the metadata file, formated for R
zASV_Ranalysis_v314.7.Rmd is the R script used to genarate the analysis + some explanations .. and ranting
DESeq / differential abundance analysis results tables
DeSeq-WO-Season.csv - Seasonal variaion of taxa within the different Water Origins \