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angelozerr edited this page Jun 28, 2016 · 2 revisions


Before using Angular2 wizards, you need to install angular-cli (see angular-cli to know the prerequisites)

After that you can use Angular2 Wizards:

Angular2 Wizards

Angular2 Project

The Angular2 Project wizards gives you the capability to create an Angular2 project with angular-cli command:

ng init

Fill the name of the project:

Click on Finish button, will execute the command:

ng init

After few minutes (angular-cli is slow), your Eclipse project should appears and angular-cli.json should be opened:

Component Wizard

The other wizards (Component, Service, etc) works only if your project is an Angular CLI project (a project which contains the angular-cli.json file).

Fill the name of the component:

Click on Finish button, will execute the command:

ng g component $name

After that you should see the generated files of your component and the $name.component.ts file should be opened: