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  • Jakarta, Indonesia

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Erwin Winata erwinata
Freelance Web Developer
Dede Adhyatmika_099279 ptdede
Working with mobile and web.

BFI Finance Denpasar, Bali

Dave Cheney davecheney
I service society by rocking.

GitHub Sydney, Australia

Jonathon Walker jonathon-walker

@identitii Sydney, Australia

Mathias Bynens mathiasbynens
Web standards fanatic. JavaScript, HTML, CSS, HTTP, performance, security, Bash, Unicode, macOS.


Budi Irawan deerawan
Javascript Developer 🦁

Sydney, Australia

Andi N. Dirgantara hellowin
Data Engineer, having fun with Godot

@traveloka Malang, Indonesia

Sahat Yalkabov sahat
UI Engineer at @simonmarkets. Previously @bloomberg, @yahoo, @Zappos, @ContinuumIO. ‎‎‎‎

SIMON Markets LLC Remote

Eric Elliott ericelliott
🔥 Manager, Adobe Firefly 🪄 Conjured SudoLang 📖 Author, "Composing Software" 🤖 AI, AIDD, Web3, TDD, JavaScript 💻

The metaverse

Peter Boling pboling
FLOSS Maintainer - @oauth-xx, @omniauth, @Dynamoid, @rubocop-lts, @wordtreefoundation » |7eter l-|. l3oling

Vital Connect Detroit, MI

Sindre Sorhus sindresorhus
Full-Time Open-Sourcerer. Focused on Swift & JavaScript. Makes macOS apps, CLI tools, npm packages.
Matias Insaurralde matiasinsaurralde
software engineer (most of the time), infosec enthusiast, human being, self-taught. 30 years.


Mike Perham mperham
Author and maintainer of Sidekiq, the background job framework for Ruby, and Faktory, background jobs for all languages.

Contributed Systems Portland, OR

Aaron Patterson tenderlove

@Shopify Seattle

Avdi Grimm avdi

ShipRise LLC St. Louis, USA

Andrew Kane ankane

San Francisco, CA

TJ Holowaychuk tj

Apex London, UK

Ariya Hidayat ariya

SF Bay Area

José Valim josevalim
Chief Adoption Officer at @dashbitco and @livebook-dev. Creator of @elixir-lang.

@dashbitco Kraków, Poland

Tom Preston-Werner mojombo

@chatterbugapp, @redwoodjs, @preston-werner-ventures San Francisco

Yehuda Katz wycats

@heroku Portland, OR

Michael Hartl mhartl
Author of the @railstutorial, founder of @learnenough, @softcover, and Tau Day.

Independent scholar, formerly Learn Enough/Rails Tutorial Los Angeles, CA

Jaana Dogan rakyll or to email.

Google San Francisco, CA

Jeffrey Way JeffreyWay
Laracasts owner.

Laracasts Winter Park, FL

Taufan Aditya toopay
@pinkfoxcute Dad, Co-Founder @refactory-id

@refactory-id, @sev-2 Surabaya

Derick Rethans derickr
I am Derick, and I am the creator of Xdebug, PHP's debugger. I am currently working on creating Xdebug 3.

London, UK

Sebastian Bergmann sebastianbergmann
Sebastian Bergmann is the creator of PHPUnit. He co-founded and helps PHP teams build better software.

@thePHPcc Siegburg, Germany

A. Akbar Hidayat cod3beat
Security & Reliability

@dicoding-dev Indonesia

Fabien Potencier fabpot
Founder and project lead at Symfony CPO at

Symfony/ Paris, France

Antonio Ramirez tonydspaniard

@2amigos Mallorca, Spain

Qiang Xue qiangxue
Creator of @yiisoft and @go-ozzo, seasoned software engineer with a background in full-stack Web development, AWS cloud computing, and machine learning.

@amzn Virginia, U.S.A.