This provides decorators for super simple function/method call retries when an exception is raised.
pip install trythatagain
Here's a simple use case: querying the AWS API, knowing you might hit API limits.
from trythatagain import retry
def find_ebs_volumes(unattached=True, no_snapshots=True):
except CaughtException as e:
print('Failed to list EBS volumes')
This will retry calling func
three times. If was not successful in calling the function without an exception, it will re-raise the exception as CaughtException
, with the original exception available at the attribute caught_exception
Retry as many times as times as necessary:
from trythatagain import retry
def try_five_times():
raise Exception('This always fails')
def retry_forever():
raise Exception('Terrible waste of CPU cycles')
Raise immediately on specific exceptions:
def update_cache():
Suppress re-raising exceptions:
def reload_user_data():
There's also exponential and linear backoff retries things like cooling down after hitting API limits. In fact, AWS recommends exponential backoff to deal with API limits.
# waits 1 second, then 4, then 9, etc.
def update_instance_tags():
def scrape_url():
Custom wait functions are also possible:
def fixed(i, unit):
time.sleep(5 * unit)
@retry(wait_func=fixed, unit=MILLISECONDS)
def func():