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feature(jqLite): Extended jqLite with new functions.
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Includes height(), width(), outerHeight(), outerWidth(), offset() and scrollTop()
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adrianlee44 committed Sep 15, 2013
1 parent fd9a927 commit 704bc31
Showing 1 changed file with 156 additions and 0 deletions.
156 changes: 156 additions & 0 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1 +1,157 @@
angular.module "Mac", ["Mac.Util"]

@chalk overview
@name angular.element
Angular comes with jqLite, a tiny, API-compatible subset of jQuery.
However, its functionality is very limited and MacGyver extends
jqLite to make sure MacGyver components work properly.
Real jQuery will continue to take precedence over jqLite and all
functions MacGyver extends.
MacGyver adds the following methods:
- [height()]( - Does not support set
- [width()]( - Does not support set
- [outerHeight()]( - Does not support set
- [outerWidth()]( - Does not support set
- [offset()](
- [scrollTop()](

cssExpand = [ "Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left" ]
core_pnum = /[+-]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/.source
rnumnonpx = new RegExp( "^(" + core_pnum + ")(?!px)[a-z%]+$", "i" )

getStyles = (element) ->
window.getComputedStyle element, null

isWindow = (obj) ->
return obj and obj.document and obj.location and obj.alert and obj.setInterval

getWindow = (element) ->
if isWindow(element) then element else element.nodeType is 9 and element.defaultView

augmentWidthOrHeight = (element, name, extra, isBorderBox, styles) ->
return 0 if extra is (if isBorderBox then "border" else "content")

start = if name is "Width" then 1 else 0

for i in [start..3] by 2
if extra is "margin"
val += parseFloat styles["#{extra}#{cssExpand[i]}"]

if isBorderBox
if extra is "content"
val -= parseFloat styles["padding#{cssExpand[i]}"]

if extra isnt "margin"
val -= parseFloat styles["border#{cssExpand[i]}"]
val += parseFloat styles["padding#{cssExpand[i]}"]

if extra isnt "padding"
val += parseFloat styles["border#{cssExpand}Width"]

return val

getWidthOrHeight = (type, prefix, element) ->

return (margin) ->
defaultExtra =
switch prefix
when "inner" then "padding"
when "outer" then ""
else "content"
extra = defaultExtra or (if margin is true then "margin" else "border")

if isWindow element
return element.document.documentElement["client#{type}"]

if element.nodeType is 9
doc = element.documentElement

return Math.max(
element.body["scroll#{type}"], doc["scroll#{type}"],
element.body["offset#{type}"], doc["offset#{type}"],

valueIsBorderBox = true
styles = getStyles element
name = type.toLowerCase()
value =
if type is "Height" then element.offsetHeight else element.offsetWidth
isBorderBox = is "border-box"

if value <= 0 or value is null
value = styles[name]
if value < 0 or value is null
value =[name]

return value if rnumnonpx.test value

valueIsBorderBox = isBorderBox

value = parseFloat(value) or 0

value + augmentWidthOrHeight(
extra or (if isBorderBox then "border" else "content")

jqLiteExtend =
height: (element) ->
getWidthOrHeight("Height", "", element)()

width: (element) ->
getWidthOrHeight("Width", "", element)()

outerHeight: (element, margin) ->
getWidthOrHeight("Height", "outer", element) margin

outerWidth: (element, margin) ->
getWidthOrHeight("Width", "outer", element) margin

offset: (element) ->
box = {top: 0, left: 0}
doc = element && element.ownerDocument

return unless doc

docElem = doc.documentElement
if element.getBoundingClientRect?
box = element.getBoundingClientRect()

win = getWindow doc
return {
top: + win.pageYOffset - docElem.clientTop,
left: box.left + win.pageXOffset - docElem.clientLeft

scrollTop: (element, value) ->
win = getWindow element

unless value?
return if win then win["pageYOffset"] else element["scrollTop"]

if win
win.scrollTo(window.pageXOffset, value)
element["scrollTop"] = value

extendjQuery = ->
return if window.jQuery?

jqLite = angular.element

angular.forEach jqLiteExtend, (fn, name) ->
jqLite.prototype[name] = (arg1, arg2) ->
return fn(this[0], arg1, arg2) if this.length


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